(wah,mcm buku gitu yer.)
firstly i would like to wish you guys a HAPPY 2006.have a good year ahead and most importantly,have lots of fun and priotise your studies at
the same time.
i don't feel excited like i do last year when it comes to 2005.i don't want to have high hopes and thinking that next year will be better cause i don't want to end up with a big disappointment.i do enjoyed 2005 but 2004 is greatly's been a hell of a year and learning to be more matured?it's OKAY year.i learnt so many things and i wish 2006 will be a faith in god is getting stronger every day and i'm blessed to have HIM.just thinking of him,it gives me a peacer of mind that no one else can.i'm thankful that i'm able to change and be a better daughter.having my mom to see my changes bring out a great's so hard changing to something that aren't you but everything has got to change and we can't stick with the same attitude's so hard to make my mom notice it and having the patient not to talk back.i'm a bad tempered person and it's difficult.i'm so glad i'm not rude to teachers like i used to.but now,everytime teachers get on my nerves,all i have to do is just don't bother and think of Him.having to leave my 2/3 was tough but i came to a point that in life,we need to adapt to changes effectively because things won't stay minute you're happy with what you have,the next thing you know it's gone.that's why you have to leave what pass you and get ready to face a new start.although this year is giving lots of problems,i'll never complained because look what i got.i got experience and lessons that i myself gained after the hardship.thank you allah.thank you so much.
1.NDP!how can i forget many laughters can be heard and so many tears shed,this is an experience that i'll never forget because it brought my closer to my friends.
2.tze hee,you inspired me with your patience.your advice will i not forget. 3.a new class,new friends,new subjects.everything was great.i wish i can learn to love my class more.
4.something happened to jana!how can i forget that!!!!!!!sshh,to those who know what happened.hehe. separated with lin and aisyah and felt that they have forgotten me jana lala but thanked god,everything went smoothly now.
6.remember jana lin aisyah when you left me and lala alone?i was devastated.we know something bad happened but never voice it out.promise me lin jana aisyah lala that you wont leave me okay?
7.CHANGING OF MATHS TEACHER.ahahaha!remember my class, the most quite,soft-spoken teacher ever?she's like a mouse.teaching to herself and the whole class was not listening!another teacher was the one looked like a duck?!with a mangkok hair!her voice is so loud and so squeaky!ahahaha!that's funny and how we throw something sticky on her back?!ahaha!that was the most funniest thing!and how we all failed our maths.ahaha.i love that memory.
6.when we stick the red packet on yusri's butt and we laughed at him and we thought we laughed at adli and he joined the laughter too?ahaha,gosh i laughed sampai sakit mesti kerja dan right?
7.i can't help arguing with gordon but i think it was funny rather than serious!
8.when the whole NA class was along the corridor and when mr narain came,everyone was so scared and rushed to class?and when yusri have to sweep the corridor and we called him bangla and mr narain was his boss?ahahaha.
9.rounding or in other words tawaf around school to come late for malay lesson? jonathan tan!!!i love you!!he taught a lot bout life and everything.he's the best.
11.p.e lesson with mr lee!esp during our soccer lessons and sheena kicking the ball like dancing tango?ahahaha!
12.reunion with haikal and fiza!ahaha,i love you! first time being the emcee infront of the whole school.can i have more?
14.kl trip with neighbours!it was great!
15.eating al-azhar and then durians after that with neighbours till 2!
16.spook show!
17.nayli's birthday party!and i get to meet nayli at last! family bond getting stronger.
19.racial hormony day!!i was singing to the sec 3s and singing must make them puke! loy!you're the greatest form teacher ever!your support is what we needed for the class to be together.thanks ah loy.
21.MY B'DAY!thanks to those who contributed!
22.all that happened in library.getting caught till got complaint from school,making noise,eating hamburgers.what the hell we're thinking? cousin's bonding is getting stronger.i love irah,ati,shahidah!
there's more but this is what i can think at this time.
Babe of the Year:
Alvina from 3/7 or 3/8?i can't remember her class but she's pretty.i wanted to award this to myself but being a judge myself,it's sure unfair.
Hunk of the Year:
Hilmi from 3/6.that goatee is killing me! come guys,let's have a goatee!
Funny Man of the Year:
danial and khairil.ahaha,you guys are funny.
Funny Woman of the Year:
jannah.your critising is so sarcastic and hilarious!
Most Suey of the Year:
it's gotta to be my b'day esp get hit by an egg on the my head.hey,no complain.
Most Tricked of the Year:
yusri-got-red packet-on-his-butt.i can't forget that.
Most Embarassing moment of the Year:
janna for what happened.that's embarassing girl!
Most Suey person of the year:
MR JOHAN!ahaha,he's got bullied by us and quite his job partially because our class fault!
Most Controversy of the Year:
for me lah,it's got to be farhadi liking aisyah.but now,he isn't!
Most Piss off person of the Year:
my brothers!damn you guys!and mdm haryati!!!can't she keep it slow?
Most Hot teacher of the Year:
mr tan!
i guess that's all :))
-GOD,for everything good or bad you have given me.i'm blessed.
-jannah,for being my good friend and hope we will have a stronger friendship.
-lin aisyah lala fiza,for always being there for me and telling me good stories bout life and people.
-to the malay guys;syahril,dan yus,zul,haikal.i thanked you for making me happy with your jokes and always perks me up.
-to tze hee,thanks for your being a good instructor to me despite my bad behaviour that you always put up with.
-gordon and swee phoon,you guys are great :))
-my cousins for not letting me feel left out anymore.
-last but not least,my family for the undying love and critism.(yeah,it helped me a lot)
2.get at least grade 5 or 4 for maths.i needed it,damn it. more nicer,filial daughter. more closer to GOD.
5.pass my biology for once.
6.stop throwing my temper on people.
7.stop going to lotty. more slimmer?i'm weight-conscious.
9.stay away from getting in love?please God.
10.being more pretty.ahaha i'm kidding bout this.i just want to end up with 2 digit number.haha.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Friday, December 30, 2005
footdrill was okay but i know i need to be more strict.thanks to syahril for ur tips on how to become to more strict.ahaha.yeah,next year will be different.
went home with dewey,a chinese guy in the GAP camp last year.yeah,it was awkward as this is my first time experiencing with a chinese guy who was so closed to me and intimating me.yeah,but i was alright with it.he wanted to send me home but no way!
anyway,going to wild wet tmr.yeah!it's gonna be fun okay!
went home with dewey,a chinese guy in the GAP camp last year.yeah,it was awkward as this is my first time experiencing with a chinese guy who was so closed to me and intimating me.yeah,but i was alright with it.he wanted to send me home but no way!
anyway,going to wild wet tmr.yeah!it's gonna be fun okay!
Thursday, December 29, 2005
wth.guides supposed to start at 9 but i reached there around 11.that's great huh?i can't get myself up and mam also doesn't bother so i continued sleeping.and tmr is guides,again.shucks.i don't know whether i have time to go out with lala.i'll try to find a day for her.
so,we did our banner which is beautifully done and then i altered my sch and guides skirts to make it tighten and shorter and it cost me 4 bucks altogether!cheap huh?my father:"nak pendekkan skirt buat apa?nak kasi nampak seluar dalam?" me:"wth?i'm wearing shorts inside what".ahaha,my father can be so unlogical and unreasonable.he doesn't think before he says but it's alright cause i'm used to his crap.i know he's just kidding.
i heard someone talking about the countdown thingy in the bus just now.okay,i admit that i was eavesdropping unintentionally.i'm having advanced outing to wild wild wet and bbq after that.wah,will be so tiring but nonetheless fun!anyway guys,just look out for my post on the last day of the year!it's gonna be LLLOOONNNG.
so,we did our banner which is beautifully done and then i altered my sch and guides skirts to make it tighten and shorter and it cost me 4 bucks altogether!cheap huh?my father:"nak pendekkan skirt buat apa?nak kasi nampak seluar dalam?" me:"wth?i'm wearing shorts inside what".ahaha,my father can be so unlogical and unreasonable.he doesn't think before he says but it's alright cause i'm used to his crap.i know he's just kidding.
i heard someone talking about the countdown thingy in the bus just now.okay,i admit that i was eavesdropping unintentionally.i'm having advanced outing to wild wild wet and bbq after that.wah,will be so tiring but nonetheless fun!anyway guys,just look out for my post on the last day of the year!it's gonna be LLLOOONNNG.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
guides.hmm,i almost forgotten that today was guides meeting.while going to school,i was boarding this 985 bus.just when i put my first step onto the bus,the bus driver closed the door and my feet was squashed by the doors.stupid bus driver.can't you see i'm boarding?i was so paisey but luckily there was few ppl in the bus.i started laughing myself then.
first time taking a squad unprepared and it was the most pathetic squad me,i was embarassed but they did quite well.i wasn't being serious enough and was distracted my ncc.why must they follow everywhere we go?and yeah,sorry to syahril for spitting vulgarities at you.but you stopped disturbing me after that right?ahaha,sorry ya.i was making extra commands like 'squad smile' 'squad korek hidong'.nonsense huh.nevermind,this is just beginning.i love pumping ppl!!poor chaps.
alah,tmr guides again?don't want!
first time taking a squad unprepared and it was the most pathetic squad me,i was embarassed but they did quite well.i wasn't being serious enough and was distracted my ncc.why must they follow everywhere we go?and yeah,sorry to syahril for spitting vulgarities at you.but you stopped disturbing me after that right?ahaha,sorry ya.i was making extra commands like 'squad smile' 'squad korek hidong'.nonsense huh.nevermind,this is just beginning.i love pumping ppl!!poor chaps.
alah,tmr guides again?don't want!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
okay,i had super fun with them!just a great holiday for me and for the,we met up at 3 and proceeded to larkin.had lunch and i definitely ordered carrot milk!it's the only drink you find in m'sia!so board the bus at 7 and i got a suey seat cause it can't adjust to the back but it was comfortable and there is a great.reached kl around 1 and everyone esp the kids were excited to see the klcc.kecohness.had our supper till 2 plus and i was so worn out.
on the 2nd day,we went to take the train to TIMES SQUARE.i was so excited to see the theme park in the shopping mall.the roller coaster was crazy and it was all over the,i bought my ticket and ride on that roller coaster.i tell you,THE RIDE WAS CRAZY.when it turned upside down,i felt like i'm going to fall but overall i really enjoyed it very much!then,we tried the bumper cars and we owned that place for awhile.i was gong gong cause i don't know how to drive that thing and so do the other kids and we keep stucking at one side.ahaha,that's place was KLCC and we walked all the way there from times square.imagine how far was that.everyone was tired after that.the shops there are for rich's like paragon but better than that!i love this mall!and,i saw a hot indon guy there.we keep looking at each other.aww,melts.
next stop,we went to PETALING STREET.the best place to find IMMITATIONS.everything is imitation and they looked exactly the same as the original.there were bags,shoes,clothes,watches that are imitations. the place is muddy and so crowded!!!! there was a lot of gangsters around.and now i know where the m'sian ppl get their surfbrand clothes.a lot of m'sian wearing surfbrand clothes and with this cowboy shoes and they get everything from there!
3rd day,i woke up and went to the indoor swimming pool straight away.ahaha,i miss swimming!after that,we went to MASJID INDIA.nothing much though.and i love the keropok lekor there!! we had lunch at this smelly place and there is cat below me!!of course,i i hate that place but the tom yam is nice.then we got separated cause the kids wanted to go home.we went to klcc again cause faisal,the avid fan of surfbrand wanted to buy quicksilver things and then went to petaling street again and had our dinner at mcd.did i mentioned i saw another hottie there?yesh,and we're looking at each other again for long.ahaha,so mentel.
4th day,packed our stuff and had our breakfast at kfc!i love the cheezy wedges!nice!then we're supposed to board the bus at 12 but ended up taking the bus at 1!i still have time sleeping in the middle of the bus station which was so packed!reached s'pore around 7.the funny thing was we took this lift and the immigration place and everyone was in the lift making shouting.ahaha,so kecoh sey!cik osman sang that my humps song and i was laughing all the way.haikal feet was so smelly and everyone called him 'si kaki busuk'.me and farhan was the mastermind.teasing ppl and joking around.reached home at 10 cause we had dinner.
here i am,home sweet home!
(i told you so,100 ringgit is not enough.)
okay,i had super fun with them!just a great holiday for me and for the,we met up at 3 and proceeded to larkin.had lunch and i definitely ordered carrot milk!it's the only drink you find in m'sia!so board the bus at 7 and i got a suey seat cause it can't adjust to the back but it was comfortable and there is a great.reached kl around 1 and everyone esp the kids were excited to see the klcc.kecohness.had our supper till 2 plus and i was so worn out.
on the 2nd day,we went to take the train to TIMES SQUARE.i was so excited to see the theme park in the shopping mall.the roller coaster was crazy and it was all over the,i bought my ticket and ride on that roller coaster.i tell you,THE RIDE WAS CRAZY.when it turned upside down,i felt like i'm going to fall but overall i really enjoyed it very much!then,we tried the bumper cars and we owned that place for awhile.i was gong gong cause i don't know how to drive that thing and so do the other kids and we keep stucking at one side.ahaha,that's place was KLCC and we walked all the way there from times square.imagine how far was that.everyone was tired after that.the shops there are for rich's like paragon but better than that!i love this mall!and,i saw a hot indon guy there.we keep looking at each other.aww,melts.
next stop,we went to PETALING STREET.the best place to find IMMITATIONS.everything is imitation and they looked exactly the same as the original.there were bags,shoes,clothes,watches that are imitations. the place is muddy and so crowded!!!! there was a lot of gangsters around.and now i know where the m'sian ppl get their surfbrand clothes.a lot of m'sian wearing surfbrand clothes and with this cowboy shoes and they get everything from there!
3rd day,i woke up and went to the indoor swimming pool straight away.ahaha,i miss swimming!after that,we went to MASJID INDIA.nothing much though.and i love the keropok lekor there!! we had lunch at this smelly place and there is cat below me!!of course,i i hate that place but the tom yam is nice.then we got separated cause the kids wanted to go home.we went to klcc again cause faisal,the avid fan of surfbrand wanted to buy quicksilver things and then went to petaling street again and had our dinner at mcd.did i mentioned i saw another hottie there?yesh,and we're looking at each other again for long.ahaha,so mentel.
4th day,packed our stuff and had our breakfast at kfc!i love the cheezy wedges!nice!then we're supposed to board the bus at 12 but ended up taking the bus at 1!i still have time sleeping in the middle of the bus station which was so packed!reached s'pore around 7.the funny thing was we took this lift and the immigration place and everyone was in the lift making shouting.ahaha,so kecoh sey!cik osman sang that my humps song and i was laughing all the way.haikal feet was so smelly and everyone called him 'si kaki busuk'.me and farhan was the mastermind.teasing ppl and joking around.reached home at 10 cause we had dinner.
here i am,home sweet home!
(i told you so,100 ringgit is not enough.)

bik jun's family.she claimed that i'm her daughter-in- law.oh,purleasse.

Friday, December 23, 2005
okay guys,i'm going off to kl today in a few hours times with my family and my neighbours.yeay!it's gonna be fun hopefully.ahaha,i just got myself a 100 ringgit cash from my father.if only the 100 ringgit is 100 dollars,i would have buy a lot of stuff!anyway,i dun think 100 ringgit is enough because m'sia stuff are quite expensive.
now i know what's the meaning of square-cut need to buy levis square-cut jeans to know.i think that buying levis jeans is worth at this kind of age.i mean if i were to buy it when i got a job(which means high salary)i would buy it.yesh,what my sister said is right.i'm materialistic.
okay lah.enough
now i know what's the meaning of square-cut need to buy levis square-cut jeans to know.i think that buying levis jeans is worth at this kind of age.i mean if i were to buy it when i got a job(which means high salary)i would buy it.yesh,what my sister said is right.i'm materialistic.
okay lah.enough
Thursday, December 22, 2005
firstly,i would like to say sorry to lin jana fiza cause i didn't turn up today!i was the one planning the time and place but end up i can't sorry to you guys.
so glad that shidah just bought a mp3.i can listen to it while on the way to kl tmr!if i were to buy mp3,there's no use though cause i'm strictly disallowed to download any songs illegally by my sister and father.i'm like,wtf?i hate rules.
so glad that shidah just bought a mp3.i can listen to it while on the way to kl tmr!if i were to buy mp3,there's no use though cause i'm strictly disallowed to download any songs illegally by my sister and father.i'm like,wtf?i hate rules.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
no one at home is just equally to no food at,i bought mee cup and LAYS!yeah,i'm loving it.anyway,i'm bored at home and can't stand my brothers but still i'm stucked here at home.just feeling so lazy to go out.yeah,aku membesarkan pantat aku.just can't get myself to go out!
yeah to lin fiza and jenna:
tmr meet me at BUZZ shop at 3 can?
anything just give me a call or whatever.
and lin,can you tell aisyah?
yeah to lin fiza and jenna:
tmr meet me at BUZZ shop at 3 can?
anything just give me a call or whatever.
and lin,can you tell aisyah?
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
yesterday was just a terrible day for me.and you know what?i was too fed-up till i actually forgot to bathe for that one whole freaking there such thing as forget to bathe?weird man.i was losing my mind but brought back conscious(wah,mcm pengsan gitu)as i tucked in myself with chocolates.yeah,yeah chocolates are my saviour.
whatever it is i can't stopped myself from talking to my is inevitable cause somehow you need to say something to her like "what's for lunch" "i need to go out" "i need money" on and so forth.
so today,i got myself accompanied by my lovely computer and HP book.i think,i need to go out tmr since my i cancelled my meeting with my cousins to eat wanton mee with her.wanton mee again?nah,i don't think so cause i end up getting my tudung dirty with dots and dots everywhere on my tudung especially if it's white.
okay,enough said.
whatever it is i can't stopped myself from talking to my is inevitable cause somehow you need to say something to her like "what's for lunch" "i need to go out" "i need money" on and so forth.
so today,i got myself accompanied by my lovely computer and HP book.i think,i need to go out tmr since my i cancelled my meeting with my cousins to eat wanton mee with her.wanton mee again?nah,i don't think so cause i end up getting my tudung dirty with dots and dots everywhere on my tudung especially if it's white.
okay,enough said.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
okay,i think i had enough rest.yesterday went to my cousin's house cause we had kenduri.yeah,and then they decided to have a chalet on the april in conjunction of our 20th and irah can't wait for that gonna be fun!4 days at chalet,it will be heaven to me.
speaking of chalet,i have a guides and scouts chalet tmr and i'm praying that my parents allow me to overnight there till wed.then after the chalet,probably going out with fiza on thurs(not wed!have to change date fiza)and then on friday will be off to kl.woah,gonna be a very busy week!
bye guys!
speaking of chalet,i have a guides and scouts chalet tmr and i'm praying that my parents allow me to overnight there till wed.then after the chalet,probably going out with fiza on thurs(not wed!have to change date fiza)and then on friday will be off to kl.woah,gonna be a very busy week!
bye guys!
yeah,guides and scouts organised a campfire for the uniformed groups and bukit view school that turned up.everything went well but i think the campfire was a boring one.not as fun as last year and last two years.
anyway,i was glad that everyone enjoyed themselves.i'm proud that the guides cheered so loud and was enthusiastic!love you guys but you all still not up to my standard!anyhow,there's always room for improvement.i thanked the scouts for setting up the beautiful stage cum gateway.nice job.ncc and sjab was being a great audience lah.if not for them,the campfire will be,you guys are just sore losers.better don't come cause i didn't feel you presence.nevertheless,thanks for coming everyone!
it was a long day for everyone.almost 12 hours in school and it was tiring.though we didn't much but we put in a lot of effort.funny part wasd when we were given 10 mins to change full u,everyone was kanchong.guides mana ada time limit.we always take our own sweet time.i did a lot of stuff like carrying the more than 10 benches on my own,carrying 6 coca cola bottles.i gave a lot of instructions to guides like as if i'm in charge.ahaha,who cares.
during campfire,i did emcee-ing for lah,jonathan called me up.we sang,danced and i have to dance on the stage like a stupid girl.ahaha,bukit view girls rock lah.i enjoyed myself!yeay!hopefully next year campfire will more fun okay guys!
yeah,guides and scouts organised a campfire for the uniformed groups and bukit view school that turned up.everything went well but i think the campfire was a boring one.not as fun as last year and last two years.
anyway,i was glad that everyone enjoyed themselves.i'm proud that the guides cheered so loud and was enthusiastic!love you guys but you all still not up to my standard!anyhow,there's always room for improvement.i thanked the scouts for setting up the beautiful stage cum gateway.nice job.ncc and sjab was being a great audience lah.if not for them,the campfire will be,you guys are just sore losers.better don't come cause i didn't feel you presence.nevertheless,thanks for coming everyone!
it was a long day for everyone.almost 12 hours in school and it was tiring.though we didn't much but we put in a lot of effort.funny part wasd when we were given 10 mins to change full u,everyone was kanchong.guides mana ada time limit.we always take our own sweet time.i did a lot of stuff like carrying the more than 10 benches on my own,carrying 6 coca cola bottles.i gave a lot of instructions to guides like as if i'm in charge.ahaha,who cares.
during campfire,i did emcee-ing for lah,jonathan called me up.we sang,danced and i have to dance on the stage like a stupid girl.ahaha,bukit view girls rock lah.i enjoyed myself!yeay!hopefully next year campfire will more fun okay guys!

ncc put and item and sang tong hua!great job!

the cute elves!!that's heather!so proud of you girl!

the scouts are enjoying themselves!

the guide,elf and the np.

Thursday, December 15, 2005
guides was tiring.*panting*.yeah,we did our cookies for the refreshment for tmr and it was okay-lah.nothing much bout that.after the whole thing finished,we proceeded to the hall to watch the rehearsels.our gang which include me jenna lin fiza lenny and dilah was the noisiest and the most-out-of-tune-singers.but i think we're laughing more instead of singing.
wah,i need to sew my skirt and that badge.i'm worn out!tmr started at 9 and end around 10.oh gosh.
campfire starts exactly at 6!only uniformed groups are invited!
wah,i need to sew my skirt and that badge.i'm worn out!tmr started at 9 and end around 10.oh gosh.
campfire starts exactly at 6!only uniformed groups are invited!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
can anyone kind-heartedly lend me their mp3?i need it to go for the kl cause i don't want to bore myself during the 7 hour trip.anyone please?
anyway,i think i can sing like siti nurhaliza and rap like too phat.ahaha,listen to dua dunia.nice lyrics man.
btw,my sisters and me are singing to radja songs.indon songs rock lah!
anyway,i think i can sing like siti nurhaliza and rap like too phat.ahaha,listen to dua dunia.nice lyrics man.
btw,my sisters and me are singing to radja songs.indon songs rock lah!
i got my haircut without my mam's that necessary?anyway,my hair is so thin.i feel like that botak girl(a sec 1 girl who doesn't have much hair)cause it's so thin.nvm,i was the one asking for mam still didn't realise it!ahaha,not going to tell her till she open her eyes bigger!nobody realised it until i told my sister to look at me carefully.what an idiot.
just now,we had choir lessons instead of guides because mr tan wanted us to practise this song properly and have to sing it over and over again till the song is stucked to my head like super glue.quite enjoyed it because we were running around and doing the friendship dance.yeah,we have to memorise every campfire songs.pathetic.
i'm unsure to go to for guides tmr cause i got nothing to do except motivating people to be more enthusiastic.and if the red-shirted girl(dunno what's her name)is going to show me her stupid attitude face,i'll give her hell.just now,they got nagging from me.ahaha,serve them right.
just now,we had choir lessons instead of guides because mr tan wanted us to practise this song properly and have to sing it over and over again till the song is stucked to my head like super glue.quite enjoyed it because we were running around and doing the friendship dance.yeah,we have to memorise every campfire songs.pathetic.
i'm unsure to go to for guides tmr cause i got nothing to do except motivating people to be more enthusiastic.and if the red-shirted girl(dunno what's her name)is going to show me her stupid attitude face,i'll give her hell.just now,they got nagging from me.ahaha,serve them right.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
okay,i had a bad dream last night.i dreamt that i got the worst haircut ever and it turned out to be horrible and it looked like Yoyo's mother hair(rainbow connection).
just as i wanted a haircut,this stupid dream give me a there any connections?hopefully not because i told my mam that i wanted cut my hair and she disallowed me!for no reasons okay!so,i'm afraid that it will turned ugly because i believed that everything that we do,we need blessing from parents.
okay,whatever it is,i'm going to cut my hair probably tmr.i thought of going out today but i have to go to my cousin's house alone to fetch my brother there.haiz,spoil my plan.
it's CONFIRMED.going to kl on the night of 23 and be back by monday.woohoo!i can't wait!my mam and the mak ciks bought the tickets for the bus already and will be staying at the hotel i guess.excited over it.ahaha,happy holidays guys!
in a state of mess.
okay,i had a bad dream last night.i dreamt that i got the worst haircut ever and it turned out to be horrible and it looked like Yoyo's mother hair(rainbow connection).
just as i wanted a haircut,this stupid dream give me a there any connections?hopefully not because i told my mam that i wanted cut my hair and she disallowed me!for no reasons okay!so,i'm afraid that it will turned ugly because i believed that everything that we do,we need blessing from parents.
okay,whatever it is,i'm going to cut my hair probably tmr.i thought of going out today but i have to go to my cousin's house alone to fetch my brother there.haiz,spoil my plan.
it's CONFIRMED.going to kl on the night of 23 and be back by monday.woohoo!i can't wait!my mam and the mak ciks bought the tickets for the bus already and will be staying at the hotel i guess.excited over it.ahaha,happy holidays guys!
in a state of mess.
Monday, December 12, 2005
just got back from guides.yeah,i overslept again.start at 9 but i woke up at tan didn't scold me so i guess i'll be coming late again for tmr.just now,the stupid 'scratcher' is bloody irritating.why we called him 'scratcher' was because he constantly scratch himself infront of everyone.
then,i came out with the idea of practising the campfire songs since the non-actors got nothing to,we started singing and i was hopping around when it comes to the thousand leg of worm.ahaha,sorry for the inconvienice that i made because of my 'lively character so people have to bear with me!!anyway,at least people having fun just now and was cooperating.fizah said i'm too harsh with the sec 1s?ahaha,need some displinary.i don't want them to be so dead and unsupporting.
tommy looked so fat now,so do i!ahaha,i miss you lah ah boy..i can't wait to cut my hair!and how the hell he knows that i'm in love with that song?
i'm happy?lol,god knows.
then,i came out with the idea of practising the campfire songs since the non-actors got nothing to,we started singing and i was hopping around when it comes to the thousand leg of worm.ahaha,sorry for the inconvienice that i made because of my 'lively character so people have to bear with me!!anyway,at least people having fun just now and was cooperating.fizah said i'm too harsh with the sec 1s?ahaha,need some displinary.i don't want them to be so dead and unsupporting.
tommy looked so fat now,so do i!ahaha,i miss you lah ah boy..i can't wait to cut my hair!and how the hell he knows that i'm in love with that song?
i'm happy?lol,god knows.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
yeah!i went to yewtee mrt to see taufik unintentionally was last the time i reached there,i moved to the very front and taufik was going to perform.right on time sey.he sang three songs;superstitious,first and mr and mrs jones.i was quite near to him like 2m away.i told my sister,"i was the outstanding one in the crowd because everyone was wearing dull colours and i'm wearing white tudung,so he keep looking at me".after his performance hurried back to radhiah's party.
there was a lot of food,b'day cake,ice creams and my favourites:shark fin and teh susu!yum2!i thought we will be dancing and singing but instead,we camwhore!everyone was so kecoh and wanted to pose here and lah my neighbours.then we decided to sleepover shidah's house.i went down to my house three times to get change,take out my contacts and get pillows.ahaha,my family was distracted coz they were shafiqah and shidah slept in one room with air-con and started to talk till 3 but we lied to the small kids that we slept at 5.ahaha,they totally believed.i already treated shidah's house like my second house.
there was a lot of food,b'day cake,ice creams and my favourites:shark fin and teh susu!yum2!i thought we will be dancing and singing but instead,we camwhore!everyone was so kecoh and wanted to pose here and lah my neighbours.then we decided to sleepover shidah's house.i went down to my house three times to get change,take out my contacts and get pillows.ahaha,my family was distracted coz they were shafiqah and shidah slept in one room with air-con and started to talk till 3 but we lied to the small kids that we slept at 5.ahaha,they totally believed.i already treated shidah's house like my second house.

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