okay,i'm sounding like a thesaurus and slightly exaggerated.
but,i can't keep my happiness.i need to express!
anyway,on thursday night went off to changi aloha chalet with relatives.
the bus picked up every family and i was amused that the aunties and uncles brought a lot of stuff,even a mattress,like as if they are moving house.

look at the mattress! (taken when we're going home)
reached there around 11 and i'm off to bed an hour later.the second day was extreme fun.lazed around,filing up my tummy and sleeping.yeah,i was eating a lot.food,after food.

the view from our chalet!cool huh.
at evening,we started to play games.firstly,we played manhunt,not in search of body nor muscles but hair!hair at legs!the most hairiest,will win.ahaha,it was a laughter for everyone.

waiting for the manhunt contestants to get ready.

the contestants.

don't ask me why.ahaha,i can't believe this is my uncle.

showing off their muscles,but they don't know that we're looking at their hairs!
after that game,we played charade.

ahaha,it's funny okay.



my team got second and we won a packet of maggie!
we stopped for awhile and started to bbq for awhile.then,the next game was for children.they used water boms and irah tried to sabo me but failed.instead,she got herself wet.
the next game was for couples.i was shocked,amused and shocked again.because,the parents have to pass this small sweets through mouth and getting themselves kissing each other mouth to mouth.it's rated RA cause they were really kissing.can't you imagine,uncles and aunties,kissing!i didn't get a shot of it cause they were too fast.my dad french kissed my mam.how sweet!ahaha!

waiting to pass sweets to their wives.

i can't get a shot of them kissing!damn!
passing parcel was the last game.dad had to be forfeited and he sang to my mam.it was funny instead of romantic.my mam also had to be forfeited.she have to drink up a bottle and then she purposely spit the drink to ever

then at night,around 11 plus me and my cousins went to old changi hospital.an abandoned and haunted hospital.we walked all the way there and it was eerie.there were no lights,thank goodness for the torch.but i didn't get to go in the building.i was standing outside,waiting for some people to go inside.i was scared but overall,it was really adventurous.
after the trip to OCH,we went to changi village.the purpose,to see BAPOK!we saw a few.i was a bit jakun cause the bapoks are really bapoks.they have breast and nice body but a bit manly.they were gathering there for whatever reasons.they wore sexy,bearing clothes,even sexier than what the girls are wearing.abg I purposely walked beside the bapok to see whether the bapok was attracted to him.ahaha,then we went to the changi beach,sat under the shelter and laughed all the way cause they were making hilarious jokes.then,we went back to our chalet and by the time,it was almost 4am.
THIRD DAY.early in the morning,we went for a swim.we swam for the whole morning cause we,including aunts and uncles were playing captain ball there.
at around evening,we started to bbq.this time,the food is really delicious.i ate a lot.more than you can imagine.from prawns,to otah,satay,chicken and more.

showcasing you my nostrils.

the boys have to be punished cause they lost when playing soccer.
the cousins.

the whole lot.
prize presentation was next.giving out souveniers.then,it was lucky draw.my uncle was so confident that he will win the top prize but he didn't and we boo-ed him.ahaha.after that the teenagers and young adults played rumah dayak and dog and bone.it was really enjoyable and quite a laughter.

the souveniers

LAST DAY.we went home and around 10 and now,i'm really exhausted and i have homework to do!!