yesterday is history,tomorrow is mystery.Well,hello 2007.
may i will not be too overwhelm with stress.
and may i will have strong spirits to overcome whatsoever challenges.
And for 2006.
the year that redefined my life,thanks to all the problems that i've
thanks to family,cousins,uncles and aunts,neigbours and close friends for the sharing wonderful moments with me.i love you guys.
To Allah,
though this is not the new year in islam calendar,i pray to you that you will forgive my past sins and make me a better islam,a better daughter,a better sister and a better friend.
My new year resolutions are pretty simple. smart and hard for my big o's.
2.practise my maths daily without fail.practise!
and the rest are personal.
early,(very early mind you), morning i went to pusaraman mosque(near the cemetery)at 6.40am.
my neighbours,mam dad cooked and provided food and drinks for the volunteers,we helped a lot during the sacrifice of the sheeps.not sembelih the sheeps.i wished i brought my camera along cause the sacrifice was really interesting.especially when the people took out the sheep's intestine,stomach etc.i was amazed instead of feeling disgusted.and the people who took out all the insides did not use gloved.bare hands!cool yet disgusting.
anyway,this all ended around neighbours and i were truly exhausted by then.imagine,the mothers and fathers cooked till 2 in the morning.okay,i really love to help out at mosque again.
so,went to my cousin's house and at night proceeded to kak sayang condo for bbq and open the time i went home it's close to 12.anyway,i decide to buy a condo!haha!berangan besar.chet.cause i'm so jealous that they can swim all about facilites you know.
okay,i guess that's all.
HAPPY 2007!