i could not imagine how next year would be like for me after my graduation.it is like the period when i was waiting for my O levels result.at that point of time,while i was waiting,i could not know how life will turn out for me until i received my results and got into polytechnic.i am very anxious because my last year in poly is nearing to an end,faster than i thought.i am closing this chapter of my life and opening a new one soon in about less than 6 months time.it is affecting me everytime i am closer to graduation.when the chapter closes and i am opening a new one,this is where i do not want the history to repeat.it will be the time for me step up and all the being bravery,confident talk will need to be put in an action.i am even scared of myself,scared that all the talk,the dreams will go to waste.that i just end up letting myself down.while everyone else out there is feeling sad that poly is going to end and they will miss their friends and such,here i am not.i know i have been talking about post-grad but this post-grad will be the definition of my life and the ramifications if things doesnt go the way i plan will be impactful than ever.
as for now,i am going to enjoy the remains of my "teenage" life and prays very hard. everything is now in God's hands and i am leaving to Him to know what is best for me.
hopefully if i don't get what i want at least just let me marry K.(opps did i say that?hahahah!)