Friday, September 09, 2011

There is one person that I really love and could love no other is Muhammad Khidhir. We have always keep a low profile on our relationship in the cyber world. But today,I just want people to know how much I love this wonderful man. It has been more than three years we have been together. Love showed up when I was turning 18 but I know that it wasn't just my naivety that I have fallen in love.

This year is another year that we learned so much of ourselves and one another. And where our relationship will be taking us. It's almost the end of the year and this year I learned that trust is one of the most important thing that will keep the relationship. As cliche as it might sound, it's different when you say and when you do. We have been on the downside,but I love you more than I have ever had.

Things has been really good between us and we wouldn't know when suddenly it can be taken away. Keep an open communication constantly,consider each other feelings,don't let our ego and temper cloud our perspective,reason logically but balanced it out with emotional thinking.And be grateful with what our partners can give. Smile,laugh,joke,appreciate,care and love each other. Make your relationship simple,easy and effortless :)

Thursday, September 08, 2011

I have been on the longest hiatus.Updating my blog occasionally and if anyone still do check my blog(which i doubt anyone still would,that includes K)they would probably want to know what I have been up to.

the answer: absolutely nothing.
truth is,I've been in the deepest shithole which I've been trying to crawl out for the past 5 freaking months and I finally did.The shithole that I was referring to was,being unemployed. Eversince I graduated, I have been searching for a job. It teared me apart when the day I started looking for one, days have become weeks,weeks have become months and here we are 5 months later,I am so done with it. I was ashamed when people asked me what I was doing, I was actually stressed that I think I lost a bit of weight there. It was up to a point that when I stayed at home looking for jobs, I did not keep count of the days,I do not want to know what the date is, and I keep the calendar away because I don't want to know how long I have been staying at home. Sure,I did part time job but it didn't last and I needed time to stay at home to look for jobs and be ready and available when employers ask me down for interview.I have given all,my time, hours on the computer browsing through jobscentral and jobsdb, probably had sent 1k resumes to employers,meeting with agencies that wasted my time. Travel to and fro for interviews and going back with disappointment everytime. Everyday,I have to wake up to fear,fearing how long will this be. There was nothing to look forward to my life except being with K.It was probably the reason why I did not want to blog because there was nothing for me to share.

And finally,with many prayers,prayers from mam and dad especially,I did it.No one knows how I feel and what I have gone through till they went through what I did. Most importantly, was the faith that I had in Allah. I thank Allah so much and never did I gave up on Him. It was the only thing that kept me going. On the blessed month of Ramadhan,my dad told me that for sure I will get a job and I did.
Alhamdullilah.Alhamdullilah.Alhamdullilah. But I'm blessed for many reasons even though I was at the lowest point of my life.

I will leave you with my favourite quote and I'll come back here because there's something to look forward to now :)

If you make intense supplication
and the timing of the answer is delayed,
do not despair of it.
His reply to you is guaranteed;
but in the way He chooses,
not the way you choose,
and at the moment He desires,
not the moment you desire.
The Hikam by Ibn Ata'illah