Sunday, August 21, 2005

i had a nice sleep during madrasah lesson :) anyhow,my madrasah mates are super smart.everytime,they'll bring their homework to school and we'll talk bout school. then i'll feel so small,so inferior coz they way better smart than me.i'll prefer listening to them rather talking.look wat kind of school they come from dunearn,one from CHIJ and another from cresent girls.when i see how smart they are,i see much more smarter ppl than them and then thinking how can i get to the course that i want in poly coz they are many more ppl wants the same course i want and i have to face competiton from other schools all over in s'pore and my confidence decreased.but never say die.just like wat the mr lee hsien long said.

yeah,i watched the national rally.i can't missed's been three years i watched it and every speech is so inspirational and so lee talked bout lots of stuff.economic,terrorist and education.when it comes to the issue of education,he focuses on the ITE ppl and there will be.he talked bout s'pore should treat their costumers and upgrading their skills on servicing ppl.then he talked bout upgrading s'pore.i really can't wait to see s'pore in few years time coz they will be upgrading hdb flats,rejuvanating orchard and transforming bugis.and the best plan is building the a garden at marina south,east and central and connecting them together so u can jog from one side to the other.woah..i can't wait for that..

i'm beggining to like political interest me so much.i love to listen to man's speeches coz they are more interesting than the opposite gender.that's why i can't pay any attention to ms sim day,i hope i can go one of the will be an honoured for me :)

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