the reason why i blogged again(it's not like as if i got nothing better to know or what)is because i need to do some survey and assignments in the school,since i had the very oppurtunity to blog so why should i hesitate!anyway,i had my o levels oral just went pretty well.thanks to mdm fazilah who advised me to istighfar which i did and meant a lot to me cause i wasn't feeling that heart was pounding like a normal people.the conversation was not bad cause it was easy!talk about books and tv shows that i watch!since,that's the two favourite things that i did,i find it easier to say something but the words just couldn't come out that right.i was talking about desparate housewives and harry potter.i did say some english words.but heck,the misery is over.lucky me,the nerves didn't grip my mind and deprived me from thinking.
and yeah just one thing.did you ever in your whole life called yourself pretty or handsome?nope?okay best.yes?okay,you sucks like seriously,whoever have this 'self-proclamation' is totally being ridiculous or suffering from being me,you are fugly not pretty or whatever.exclude me or those who just said that for fun or having no intention to really admit they are beautiful.
okay,just another last's not bad,afterall.
another another last thing.i'm having this problem.i'm deprived from dating with me desparado.but mam's right.i'm tak laku.(means no one wants me)for whatever reason,men doesn't attracted to because i'm too ugly or too pretty(no,not having this self-proclaimation thingy)or probably i talk too much or i don't have nice hair or fringe like other girls.but but,syahril told me that i jual mahal(means,i'm no easy to catch).i guess that's the problem.but who wants a guy is totally opposite of you!or who can't stick with you cause i'm not like other girls or guys who can't laugh at my kickass turned swollenass jokes.whatever it is,i think i just wait the moon to come.which means the right guy to come.see,i know very limited guys!and they are all,guys if you got some kickass friends that are interested in me,do drop by alright.i mean it.really.can't you see my seriousness.alright you don't.i also don't want to fall in love with some wrong guy.all the guys that i've fallen in love were be like me people.take as long as you can to get to know the person then start the the meantime,i'm gonna do man hunt!
okay,what's all this supposed to mean masmas!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
i'm so know why?
CAUSE,I MET A LOT OF JAPANESE HOT pretty,attractive girls.they are way prettier than the girls in singapore.and sadly.more pretty than me.ahaha,anyhow the guys are drop dead gorgeous and they have much more bigger musculine bodies than the guys here though the japanese guys are about the same age as us.
okay,you may wonder why i got to see them.they came to our school lah!they visited our school for was so fun.cause the people here and the japanese people were taking pictures,dancing and talking to each other.but their english was really weird.

these girls are friendly and they are the same age as us!

shit,i close my eyes.and the girl beside me is really chio.see lah,we become like them.posing with the peace sign.

you see the guy in the middle?so cute right.with the rabbit teeth and all.beside me wasn't close to handsome but what the heck.then right,when i'm introducing myself to the guy in the middle,he wanted to hug me you know but i backed off cause i was sweating a lot.wth.

see,all bad quality photos.of course,it's from hp camera.if i know,i would have brought my digicam and the person who taking this picture has no photography skills.never take picture before sey!see,can see my head only.wth.
CAUSE,I MET A LOT OF JAPANESE HOT pretty,attractive girls.they are way prettier than the girls in singapore.and sadly.more pretty than me.ahaha,anyhow the guys are drop dead gorgeous and they have much more bigger musculine bodies than the guys here though the japanese guys are about the same age as us.
okay,you may wonder why i got to see them.they came to our school lah!they visited our school for was so fun.cause the people here and the japanese people were taking pictures,dancing and talking to each other.but their english was really weird.

these girls are friendly and they are the same age as us!

shit,i close my eyes.and the girl beside me is really chio.see lah,we become like them.posing with the peace sign.

you see the guy in the middle?so cute right.with the rabbit teeth and all.beside me wasn't close to handsome but what the heck.then right,when i'm introducing myself to the guy in the middle,he wanted to hug me you know but i backed off cause i was sweating a lot.wth.

see,all bad quality photos.of course,it's from hp camera.if i know,i would have brought my digicam and the person who taking this picture has no photography skills.never take picture before sey!see,can see my head only.wth.
Monday, June 26, 2006

I LOVE YOU GAL!hope you like the mini celebration from us alright.

while waiting for the pizza i guess.

the small tiny little cake.

the peeps who were at lin's house!

woohoo,the five hot ones.

lastly,me and the birthday gal.
pictures during guides camp.

setting up the fire was a tough okay.

okay chicky chicky,i'm gonna eat you up!

early in the fresh and sleepy.
and lastly.

the picture that i've been dying to get!
NYAA-ncc.oh,i miss them. was not bad except the biology period.i dozed off while watching the video and i was taken aback that mr leong had actually finished one topic about hormones in three period.still,i dun even understand anything about the chapter.i only remember that ovaries started to be active when we have puberty.and,i had tons of laughter during chemistry thanks to the guys.ahaha.
okay,that's it.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
since,there's alot of people posting about questions like 7 random about you,three names you go by and your favourite food,i decided to make my own questions.i don't always want to blog my everyday doings cause it will be such a here it goes.
things you like people to know bout you:
-i'm thick skin,so when i praised myself be sure to accept it cause i'm kidding.
-i can accept criticism from my people whom i closed with.
-my laughter is horrendous
- i'm the third child
- and ambitious which makes me banyak berangan.
bad things about you:
-my words can be harsh so i tend to offend people.
-i'm very bossy.
-i'm very short-tempered.
- i'm lazy.
-and can be quite rude
good things about you:
-i'm good listener,try me.
-i can talk and get along with anyone easily.
-i'm neat-freak
-and i like to cut to the chase.
things you hate:
-people who are slow and blur!they are so annoying.
-cats.especially cats wondering at foodstalls!
-people who admit they are islam but behave like not.
things you fear:
-get stuck in lifts!
names you go by:
-friends called me mas
-family and relatives called me turah
-people called me masturah
-guys called me 'hot '.ahaha.
-my uncle called me fatimah!believe it or not.such a old-fashioned name.
favourite people:
things you expect from your 'chosen one'
stuff that you like the most:
-my computer
-my mam's hp,since i dont own one.
things you wished for
-to get out from school
-to have a diploma and then a degree!
-to achieve my dreams of becoming a____
-get that pegueot car!
-have a boyfriend after o level.what mas?!boyfriend!
what you love the most:
-being happy and happy and happy
-hang out with loved ones
-laugh and laugh and laugh
-money and money and money!
your favourite words/phrases:
-ah2 sey
-bloody hell
-you think i care;mostly used to my brothers.
-ape jer
okay,that's all.
ahhh,monday's school!shit,i want more holidays!gosh,maths hw still not done.
things you like people to know bout you:
-i'm thick skin,so when i praised myself be sure to accept it cause i'm kidding.
-i can accept criticism from my people whom i closed with.
-my laughter is horrendous
- i'm the third child
- and ambitious which makes me banyak berangan.
bad things about you:
-my words can be harsh so i tend to offend people.
-i'm very bossy.
-i'm very short-tempered.
- i'm lazy.
-and can be quite rude
good things about you:
-i'm good listener,try me.
-i can talk and get along with anyone easily.
-i'm neat-freak
-and i like to cut to the chase.
things you hate:
-people who are slow and blur!they are so annoying.
-cats.especially cats wondering at foodstalls!
-people who admit they are islam but behave like not.
things you fear:
-get stuck in lifts!
names you go by:
-friends called me mas
-family and relatives called me turah
-people called me masturah
-guys called me 'hot '.ahaha.
-my uncle called me fatimah!believe it or not.such a old-fashioned name.
favourite people:
things you expect from your 'chosen one'
stuff that you like the most:
-my computer
-my mam's hp,since i dont own one.
things you wished for
-to get out from school
-to have a diploma and then a degree!
-to achieve my dreams of becoming a____
-get that pegueot car!
-have a boyfriend after o level.what mas?!boyfriend!
what you love the most:
-being happy and happy and happy
-hang out with loved ones
-laugh and laugh and laugh
-money and money and money!
your favourite words/phrases:
-ah2 sey
-bloody hell
-you think i care;mostly used to my brothers.
-ape jer
okay,that's all.
ahhh,monday's school!shit,i want more holidays!gosh,maths hw still not done.
alright,i'm back from the guides was overall quite okay.the reason why i went to the camp was non other than kayaking.anyway,good job to the camp guys did a pretty well job.
so,the first day was such a drag.did tent-pitching and night was much more better.the games were okay and i was enjoying listening to my juniors talking about korean actors and singers.xiao dan was gaga-ing over korean celebrities and i was laughing at her antics.sleeping in tent was not the one i was looking forward to.i was sleeping just beside the grass and the mosquitoes bite was really making me itch and i can't sleep for the whole night.bloody hell.
second day was was hell of a fun.lucky my partner was not bad if not i would had to curse her.i'm very particular about getting a good,we did a few interesting things like standing on the kayak.we raft and then hold on to each other hands and stood up.we also had a mini game which is to walk on the kayak and then swim back.the instructor was not bad.he keep asking us what we wanted to do and i keep telling him to go over to batam,which is another side of the island.the worst part of kayaking is to carry the kayak back and wash,i felt thankful to the ncc guys who had to carry my kayaks during the nyaa.i take you guys for granted.and bloody hell,i had muscle ache for the whole day. anyway,the campfire was not enjoyable!
now,i was so freaking happy to be home cause i totally miss my home for no ever reason.
and gosh.i couldnt upload any pictures.technical problems such a shitto.
so,the first day was such a drag.did tent-pitching and night was much more better.the games were okay and i was enjoying listening to my juniors talking about korean actors and singers.xiao dan was gaga-ing over korean celebrities and i was laughing at her antics.sleeping in tent was not the one i was looking forward to.i was sleeping just beside the grass and the mosquitoes bite was really making me itch and i can't sleep for the whole night.bloody hell.
second day was was hell of a fun.lucky my partner was not bad if not i would had to curse her.i'm very particular about getting a good,we did a few interesting things like standing on the kayak.we raft and then hold on to each other hands and stood up.we also had a mini game which is to walk on the kayak and then swim back.the instructor was not bad.he keep asking us what we wanted to do and i keep telling him to go over to batam,which is another side of the island.the worst part of kayaking is to carry the kayak back and wash,i felt thankful to the ncc guys who had to carry my kayaks during the nyaa.i take you guys for granted.and bloody hell,i had muscle ache for the whole day. anyway,the campfire was not enjoyable!
now,i was so freaking happy to be home cause i totally miss my home for no ever reason.
and gosh.i couldnt upload any pictures.technical problems such a shitto.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY CELEBRATION;in conjunction of family gathering.
so,the event was held at WEST COAST PARK.i just love that place.anyway,as usual i'd can i not have fun when i'm with my loved ones! anyway,not all turned up but heck,we still had fun and also laughter especially the laughters from the mothers.they sound a bit like you-know-who.

so.there's the fathers with the cute little hat.who says is only for the toddlers birthday party?

now,the fathers with their beloved wives.

it was games time.the kids played the games.
the cousins whom i'm totally closed with.

yeah,played with the spiderweb thingy.i'm expert already huh.
the next game was for family.see,all ready to go.
woow,irah so semangat.

then,the fathers played musical chair.though the grey strand of hair is growing,they are still young at heart.this game not specifically said is for children!then,it was the mothers turn to play musical chair.the funny part was when three mothers were trying to snatch one chair till they fell off like nangka busuk.ahaha.hilarious.

they played dog and bone.the mothers lose lah.they didn't know the skill of snatching the ball.some fell and some forget their numbers.and worst,when one number is called,three mothers came out.ahaha.what the hell.
so,after the games and stuff it was time for the usual we played Rumah becoming one of our routine when we come and meet each was tiring like hell.kept running around the field and trying to avoid from getting hit by the ball.abg I was useless lah.he still had time to sit around and abg yan was irritating cause he repeatedly said 'tempt'(tempting)cause he wanna make sure that i throw the ball at him.
one of the game we played.wacko.duh.

this picture i stole from irah.sorry darl,i desprately want this picture!some of the cousins, after we played rumah dayak.
usop is disgusting but anyway,we love each other company.
wassup mas.trying to look candid but failed! gosh,i looked ugly.
abg I step tgk mana entah and abg shafiq is what?sleeping?
okay,see ya soon cousins!
and,i heard ayah ji wanted to have another chalet at the same place?wohoo!we can go ghost-hunting and bapok-hunting again?!woah,everything's getting better and life is like a rollercoaster and i'm loving it.
anyway,that's a bit exagerated but heck,is it a sin to show that i'm feeling ecstatic!
tmr is my guides camp and i'm halfway through be back by friday i guess.should i bring my digicam or not?and yeah,we'll be kayaking!hopefully,it won't rain please GOD.
so,the event was held at WEST COAST PARK.i just love that place.anyway,as usual i'd can i not have fun when i'm with my loved ones! anyway,not all turned up but heck,we still had fun and also laughter especially the laughters from the mothers.they sound a bit like you-know-who.

so.there's the fathers with the cute little hat.who says is only for the toddlers birthday party?

now,the fathers with their beloved wives.

it was games time.the kids played the games.

the cousins whom i'm totally closed with.

yeah,played with the spiderweb thingy.i'm expert already huh.

the next game was for family.see,all ready to go.

woow,irah so semangat.

then,the fathers played musical chair.though the grey strand of hair is growing,they are still young at heart.this game not specifically said is for children!then,it was the mothers turn to play musical chair.the funny part was when three mothers were trying to snatch one chair till they fell off like nangka busuk.ahaha.hilarious.

they played dog and bone.the mothers lose lah.they didn't know the skill of snatching the ball.some fell and some forget their numbers.and worst,when one number is called,three mothers came out.ahaha.what the hell.
so,after the games and stuff it was time for the usual we played Rumah becoming one of our routine when we come and meet each was tiring like hell.kept running around the field and trying to avoid from getting hit by the ball.abg I was useless lah.he still had time to sit around and abg yan was irritating cause he repeatedly said 'tempt'(tempting)cause he wanna make sure that i throw the ball at him.

one of the game we played.wacko.duh.

this picture i stole from irah.sorry darl,i desprately want this picture!some of the cousins, after we played rumah dayak.

usop is disgusting but anyway,we love each other company.

wassup mas.trying to look candid but failed! gosh,i looked ugly.

abg I step tgk mana entah and abg shafiq is what?sleeping?

okay,see ya soon cousins!
and,i heard ayah ji wanted to have another chalet at the same place?wohoo!we can go ghost-hunting and bapok-hunting again?!woah,everything's getting better and life is like a rollercoaster and i'm loving it.
anyway,that's a bit exagerated but heck,is it a sin to show that i'm feeling ecstatic!
tmr is my guides camp and i'm halfway through be back by friday i guess.should i bring my digicam or not?and yeah,we'll be kayaking!hopefully,it won't rain please GOD.
Monday, June 19, 2006
holy shit.i was updating my blog on the father's day celebration but then my comp got semua syahril nyer pasal cause when i went to his blog,it go stucked for a moment and all my pictures and post gone.damn it.will update tomorrow lah and waiting for kak elly to upload her pictures.anyway,i'm wondering whether i should go for geog re-exam tmr.hmm,i think i'm not going.hmm,or maybe i should.what the hell!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
saturday=absolute boredom.
let's see what's the next match.van persie is hot hot!argentina was awesome yesterday.6-0 win,trashing serbia and montenegro.the highest score line so far.that's really cool.
well then.tmr out to west coast!it's cousin time!
back with pictures!i know you guys love to see my pictures,so wait till monday!
let's see what's the next match.van persie is hot hot!argentina was awesome yesterday.6-0 win,trashing serbia and montenegro.the highest score line so far.that's really cool.
well then.tmr out to west coast!it's cousin time!
back with pictures!i know you guys love to see my pictures,so wait till monday!
Friday, June 16, 2006
a random thought just crossed my mind.i was thinking about my late grandfather.oh gosh,i wished i could spend more time with him.he left me when i'm still young but i vividly remember the days that he used to come over to my house.i loved him.
okay.i'm loving oprah winfrey show.just about i was thinking of how to lose weight(talk about weight-conscious)and coincidently oprah shared her viewers how to lose weight in 12 weeks!but the 'rules' are very crucial in order to make it need to exercise EIGHT times a week,no carbohydrates and no food after 7.30,at least 3 hours before bedtime-which is the most important.can you imagine the whole three months wihout carbohydrates?it means ,no rice no bread etc.siao sey.i eat rice twice everyday and how the hell i'm i going to go without it?that's tough.i'm not ready to do that kind of thing but it's the only the efficient way to lose your weight.a guy lost 30 pounds(can anyone tell me 30 pounds equal to how many kgs?)i just three was fabulous but i really unsure about making commitments to my-going-to-be-decision.anyhow,i'll try it starting next meanwhile,i'm gonna eat like a pig now.the most shocking thing is that a girl who is bloody fat weighed around 500 pounds now skinnier than me.oh chocolates.i'll be deprived of chocolates.
i think i sound like a's not about one pinch of fats at the stomach okay.anyway,this will also benefit all those fat people out there.-gosh,i'm rude man.
a mind-numbing post right?who ask you to read.
okay,so exaggerated.
i think i just wasted my one whole freaking months on absolutely no-profitable things.flushed of regretness sipped through my mind.i definitely should spend my time duh,no use to regret over spilt milk.
alrightey,outta here you naughty saint!
okay.i'm loving oprah winfrey show.just about i was thinking of how to lose weight(talk about weight-conscious)and coincidently oprah shared her viewers how to lose weight in 12 weeks!but the 'rules' are very crucial in order to make it need to exercise EIGHT times a week,no carbohydrates and no food after 7.30,at least 3 hours before bedtime-which is the most important.can you imagine the whole three months wihout carbohydrates?it means ,no rice no bread etc.siao sey.i eat rice twice everyday and how the hell i'm i going to go without it?that's tough.i'm not ready to do that kind of thing but it's the only the efficient way to lose your weight.a guy lost 30 pounds(can anyone tell me 30 pounds equal to how many kgs?)i just three was fabulous but i really unsure about making commitments to my-going-to-be-decision.anyhow,i'll try it starting next meanwhile,i'm gonna eat like a pig now.the most shocking thing is that a girl who is bloody fat weighed around 500 pounds now skinnier than me.oh chocolates.i'll be deprived of chocolates.
i think i sound like a's not about one pinch of fats at the stomach okay.anyway,this will also benefit all those fat people out there.-gosh,i'm rude man.
a mind-numbing post right?who ask you to read.
okay,so exaggerated.
i think i just wasted my one whole freaking months on absolutely no-profitable things.flushed of regretness sipped through my mind.i definitely should spend my time duh,no use to regret over spilt milk.
alrightey,outta here you naughty saint!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
well,well.i woke early today cause i went to swimming just now!yup.since i've been home and collecting potential muscles(not fats),i decided that it's time for me to get my feet up and do one of my favourite sport.i met up with jana and we went to jog for half round!can't you imagine,it's not even the complete cirlcle,just half of it.we're tired by then and went to swim instead for about three hours.exercising makes you,but why did i sleep right after i reached home.weird.but i was really worn out cause i swam for few laps.ahah,mcm betol.i think i talk more than i swim.
anyway,just as i was typing this,i dropped my air batu!you know,the ten cents air batu.this is my second time eating it and the second time dropping it.worst,the first time i ate it,i dropped it to carpet and it got orange stained which is still there. from hp camera.clear sey!

during shopping at queensway i guess.

dinner at west coast!

in the bus.duh.

okay,posing maut.guys please don't steam.

this is when i shiok sendiri with the people around,so got oppurtunity to snap a picture.
nah.masy,ambik kau.ask me to update.but this post isn't dedicated to you okay.ahaha.
anyway,just as i was typing this,i dropped my air batu!you know,the ten cents air batu.this is my second time eating it and the second time dropping it.worst,the first time i ate it,i dropped it to carpet and it got orange stained which is still there. from hp camera.clear sey!

during shopping at queensway i guess.

dinner at west coast!

in the bus.duh.

okay,posing maut.guys please don't steam.

this is when i shiok sendiri with the people around,so got oppurtunity to snap a picture.
nah.masy,ambik kau.ask me to update.but this post isn't dedicated to you okay.ahaha.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
thanks to jana lin asya fizza zul haikal and farhadi for the wonderful time.
anyway,we met up at 2 and i was quite late.when i stepped out from the house,it rained so heavily that i was jeans was wet and heavy.bloody,we took the 190 and alighted at the very last bus stop which is around the chinatown area.
okay,here goes the very first picture we took.

see,we're excited!

everyone's showcasing their noses except for jenny!not fair!
right after that,we saw this stand and wanted to take pictures with it till something very funny happened.jana was so excited,she ran to that carrot down there and accidentally sat on it and it crashed down to the ground.i quickly ran from the scene,laughing my ass off.

you see the carrot,it's gone.can't even make it stand and it's jana's fault.ahaha.
so,we then went to this shopping centre to have lunch at burger king.after the lunch,we started our journey.we walked and walked and walked till nowhere.had a fantastic time looking at the new and nice scenery and taking every oppurtunity to stop and take pictures to serve as memory.

see,this place got its nostagic feeling.

okay,time for some emo scene here.

what,wanna fight huh.

during this point of time,we're lost somewhere in chinatown.but we managed to find our way to esplanade cause of haikal's instinct.ahaha,bullshit.

when the girls saw this sampan statue,we immediately without any signals ran to this sampan.the reason,we want to take pictures with it!

we know where we're going to head so we stopped to have rest and eat chocolate ice kachang!yum yum.

zul's a great camwhorer.and there's kepala durian.ahaha.
lovely spiral staircase.

this ares is bloody teenagers here except for us,so we're cool.

apek in white:eh,i also want to join you guys lah!

then proceeded to mcd near the shophouses and it was a cool place.chilled out and had dinner before going home.went home alone and shiok sendiri with the camera.i loved walking around at esplanade was so,reached home almost 9.30 and my legs are wobbly.gosh,i didn't know how far we walked!it's like from yewtee till woodlands!
anyway,tuesdawy went to was the most disastrous shopping trip ever.cause my brother spoiled my day by being so irritating and being so obnoxious.i just bought a nike shirt and didn't even buy a my mam had to meet my father cause the situation was getting worst.i was so infuriated that i went home alone without them.burrh.bloody hell.
thanks to jana lin asya fizza zul haikal and farhadi for the wonderful time.
anyway,we met up at 2 and i was quite late.when i stepped out from the house,it rained so heavily that i was jeans was wet and heavy.bloody,we took the 190 and alighted at the very last bus stop which is around the chinatown area.
okay,here goes the very first picture we took.

see,we're excited!

everyone's showcasing their noses except for jenny!not fair!
right after that,we saw this stand and wanted to take pictures with it till something very funny happened.jana was so excited,she ran to that carrot down there and accidentally sat on it and it crashed down to the ground.i quickly ran from the scene,laughing my ass off.

you see the carrot,it's gone.can't even make it stand and it's jana's fault.ahaha.
so,we then went to this shopping centre to have lunch at burger king.after the lunch,we started our journey.we walked and walked and walked till nowhere.had a fantastic time looking at the new and nice scenery and taking every oppurtunity to stop and take pictures to serve as memory.

see,this place got its nostagic feeling.

okay,time for some emo scene here.

what,wanna fight huh.

during this point of time,we're lost somewhere in chinatown.but we managed to find our way to esplanade cause of haikal's instinct.ahaha,bullshit.

when the girls saw this sampan statue,we immediately without any signals ran to this sampan.the reason,we want to take pictures with it!

we know where we're going to head so we stopped to have rest and eat chocolate ice kachang!yum yum.

zul's a great camwhorer.and there's kepala durian.ahaha.

lovely spiral staircase.

this ares is bloody teenagers here except for us,so we're cool.

apek in white:eh,i also want to join you guys lah!

then proceeded to mcd near the shophouses and it was a cool place.chilled out and had dinner before going home.went home alone and shiok sendiri with the camera.i loved walking around at esplanade was so,reached home almost 9.30 and my legs are wobbly.gosh,i didn't know how far we walked!it's like from yewtee till woodlands!
anyway,tuesdawy went to was the most disastrous shopping trip ever.cause my brother spoiled my day by being so irritating and being so obnoxious.i just bought a nike shirt and didn't even buy a my mam had to meet my father cause the situation was getting worst.i was so infuriated that i went home alone without them.burrh.bloody hell.
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