so,the event was held at WEST COAST PARK.i just love that place.anyway,as usual i'd can i not have fun when i'm with my loved ones! anyway,not all turned up but heck,we still had fun and also laughter especially the laughters from the mothers.they sound a bit like you-know-who.

so.there's the fathers with the cute little hat.who says is only for the toddlers birthday party?

now,the fathers with their beloved wives.

it was games time.the kids played the games.

the cousins whom i'm totally closed with.

yeah,played with the spiderweb thingy.i'm expert already huh.

the next game was for family.see,all ready to go.

woow,irah so semangat.

then,the fathers played musical chair.though the grey strand of hair is growing,they are still young at heart.this game not specifically said is for children!then,it was the mothers turn to play musical chair.the funny part was when three mothers were trying to snatch one chair till they fell off like nangka busuk.ahaha.hilarious.

they played dog and bone.the mothers lose lah.they didn't know the skill of snatching the ball.some fell and some forget their numbers.and worst,when one number is called,three mothers came out.ahaha.what the hell.
so,after the games and stuff it was time for the usual we played Rumah becoming one of our routine when we come and meet each was tiring like hell.kept running around the field and trying to avoid from getting hit by the ball.abg I was useless lah.he still had time to sit around and abg yan was irritating cause he repeatedly said 'tempt'(tempting)cause he wanna make sure that i throw the ball at him.

one of the game we played.wacko.duh.

this picture i stole from irah.sorry darl,i desprately want this picture!some of the cousins, after we played rumah dayak.

usop is disgusting but anyway,we love each other company.

wassup mas.trying to look candid but failed! gosh,i looked ugly.

abg I step tgk mana entah and abg shafiq is what?sleeping?

okay,see ya soon cousins!
and,i heard ayah ji wanted to have another chalet at the same place?wohoo!we can go ghost-hunting and bapok-hunting again?!woah,everything's getting better and life is like a rollercoaster and i'm loving it.
anyway,that's a bit exagerated but heck,is it a sin to show that i'm feeling ecstatic!
tmr is my guides camp and i'm halfway through be back by friday i guess.should i bring my digicam or not?and yeah,we'll be kayaking!hopefully,it won't rain please GOD.
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