well,first of all i'm so delighted to meet my cousins from johor and also from malacca.they looked a bit different.especially abg haida!ahah,he looked like a samurai!

the solemnisation ceremony took place at 9 in the morning!!that's crazy isn't it.i missed it lah cause my family was late.the ridiculous part was that,the solemnisation thingy was at the mosque and the tok kadi had to nikahkan 7 couples at the same time!wah,it was really outrageous!

okay,the groom came to the bride's house.so,we the wakil-wakil from the brides had to stop the groom.my father made a ridiculous pantun and asked for money in order for the groom to get through.
so,the black,the headed and the hat guys is my cousins.haha.
the guys holding that thing that you use to cook.haha,stupid.
okay,cover up.
hoho,my cousin.
me,kak ijah and fizza.
this might be probably my last time with najib cause he probably be leaving for mesir for his university.and and,if he leaves the only grown up male cousin i had is abg ajir cause the rest of them lived at malaysia.so sad huh.
this groom always seen with his hp.
mak minah's family.stupid digicam.
stupid camera no 2.and beside me is my cousin's girlfriend.she looked a bit like nora danish if she wear make-up.
good camera but stupid eyes.
wanita melayu terakhir tau!
stupid masturah,trying to act like a model.FAILED ATTEMPT.
irah,iqah,masss,kinah,fizza and raihanna,my newest cousin!
trying to act cool but i think i managed!haha!
okay,lastly my newest nephew,ilham who loved to eat and eats everything!
okay, a big thank you to raihanna for the pictures.i was evil.i was demanding her to send me the pictures although i just known her this year!thank you babe!
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