it seems so long since i last blog.a proper one i mean.
if you wanna ask how i am doing,well the answer is great.
i am fully(hopefully)recovered from more mucus please!i had flu since last tuesday and it kinda spread to lala.hoho!
this flu is irritating and i remembered that i laughed,the mucus like burst out from my nose and when i run 2.4km i had to wipe the mucus on my shirt.yes,utterly disgusting.
anyway,my mam and dad bought a lot of ice cream but i'm not trying to eat cause you know why,i have to take care of my voice cause i am the contingent commander for GOH.yes,will be having POP muster parade next wed.*shivers.and the GOH is compermise of all the,i can actually feel that the rest of UG looked down on me cause you know,people has a misconception that guides can't march.well fuck you all.
and the rehearsels went horrible and humiliating cause i was so damn damn nervous that i did like few mistakes.i even kebelakang pusing wronly and thanks syahril and farhan for laughing!ahah,but thanks for their guide tan and mr leong was all shocked when i did the wrong thing and they are both my teachers so embarassing like hell,that i would never forget.but,the second time,i did flawlessly.haha!so,i proved all those girls who talked about me in chinese that i am bloody capable.i kinda confront them and they said they were talking about just freaking jealous cause you had to be under me!
so,next mon will be another rehearsel.i promise i will never do any mistake and make guides proud.hah!
and wed probably when we step down!aww!
enuff said.
mr james koh,our geog teacher had to leave us soon.first is mdm rosnah,now is him.i think he is a great teacher but sadly,so many things happened btw him and the sec 5 classes.
and and ya,mid year is coming.sorry if i have to abandon my blog again.i really have to study smart and hard cause my mother just told me that she really wants me to be in poly.
and the great news is that my sister sara is going to NP!hah,yup,from ite to i told her that she will be mixing with ppl of my age.
you know how i used to dislike mdm haryati but now,i kinda like her and i think she is a really great teacher.i think because i respond to her lessons and she responds to me back unlike previous,really i see how i am becoming more mature everyday.hah.seriously.
i think i am going to add someone to my hate list.seriously he is treating me like dirt nowadays.i don't what's wrong with him.what a shame.we're used be close friends and now,we rarely talk though we see each other everyday.hey friend,i could always accept you back.this made me feels sad.
lastly,some pics for you to feast on after reading a long bloody update.there's somemore,just waiting for JANA to send me.
the conrad
yes,there's food in my mouth.
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