alright.i am back.
this week,as i would described,pure exhaustion,conflicting,mentally-unstabled,pure greatness,pure laughters and pure happiness.
the reason for lack of updates was, i and some of my cool classmates were practising for teacher's day performance.we put up a dance item which we just started to practise on imagine,we have been going home late for past few days to practise.what's more,we had to put up with some confliction,where my classmates were being undecisive about the dance.on thursday,it was the best practise ever,(finished at 930pm)my cool classmates were doing really good with the so called 'broadway' dance.dancing to hairspray,shaking our booty and flinging our arms around.i remember the day where me leha lala and fatin had mini clubbing(no boys allowed),we were crumping!hahah,i swear that nobody ever see me crump except them.
i think i learnt alot from the practises.they learnt a lot about me too.bossy,ego-maniac,stubborn and selfish.i wish i could write down all but i'll bore you.another time.
so today,teachers' day celebration.i think my class did well!i was shaking when i did the dedication.haha,nerves man.the teachers looked so jubilant.especially ms ibaidah since she is getting married tmr!her face is so radiant.marriage is good then(only for the first-half,i guess).
cross country was next.i thought,i was so worn out that i could not have the energy to run but i badly wanted to get the top 25.i thought i lost my chances but knowing that i would regret later,i ran so hard that i got position 17th!it was exhalirating!what's more delighting was that 8 people from 5/2 was in top 25!we were all planning to get top 25 and we did it!
anyway,i think i had the bestest teacher's day celebration ever.the dance and the medal.gosh,i dont want to leave school already.unfortunately,reality remains reality.i am going to miss everything man.EVERYTHING.belum2,dah sedih eh.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Friday, August 24, 2007
first of all,
though we only get to see once a week(and now,a few months cause you are leaving)i appreciate the time spent in halaqah classes and you are the best uztazah ever!!thank you for the knowledge shared and i am going to hug you real tight tonight.
anyway,TGIF.still,tomorrow is cckss food and fun fair class did not set up any stall this year but i am taking the time to look around the stalls.
oh ya.i had my english oral on was sucks.i mean i can talk pretty okay but the picture and the topic was like so difficult!they ask me whether space explorations is important and i told them that i don't really find it important and don't care about it!haha!i was not supposed to be negative but the oral examiners were really friendly.which means,i get too comfortable with them that i feel like i was having a casual conversation with friends.forget,i think that day was the most difficult topic and suey-est day for students like me.
alright,be back.
though we only get to see once a week(and now,a few months cause you are leaving)i appreciate the time spent in halaqah classes and you are the best uztazah ever!!thank you for the knowledge shared and i am going to hug you real tight tonight.
anyway,TGIF.still,tomorrow is cckss food and fun fair class did not set up any stall this year but i am taking the time to look around the stalls.
oh ya.i had my english oral on was sucks.i mean i can talk pretty okay but the picture and the topic was like so difficult!they ask me whether space explorations is important and i told them that i don't really find it important and don't care about it!haha!i was not supposed to be negative but the oral examiners were really friendly.which means,i get too comfortable with them that i feel like i was having a casual conversation with friends.forget,i think that day was the most difficult topic and suey-est day for students like me.
alright,be back.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Ended school approximately at was such a tough day,struggling with everything.worst,i had to face a complete humiliation.i was announcing the class stuffs but they took me like a complete idiot,feel like talking to myself.i was badly pissed off and infuriated.i think i can call the plan off.the class that i love and care can just piss off.i failed my english(finally scraped a pass).it was disappointing cause i never failed english is a good wake up call cause i always had been complacent about my english thinking that my english is pretty,reality just smacked my face.
Watched the fireworks with the cousins.i had uber fun.the fireworks are superbly magnificent but the crowd was just too overwhelming.first,we had dinner at too hot cafe(pocket hole burnt man!)near the esplanade,before meeting with my sister and her friends.we got a pretty good spot.directly infront of the fireworks.

Ended school approximately at was such a tough day,struggling with everything.worst,i had to face a complete humiliation.i was announcing the class stuffs but they took me like a complete idiot,feel like talking to myself.i was badly pissed off and infuriated.i think i can call the plan off.the class that i love and care can just piss off.i failed my english(finally scraped a pass).it was disappointing cause i never failed english is a good wake up call cause i always had been complacent about my english thinking that my english is pretty,reality just smacked my face.
Watched the fireworks with the cousins.i had uber fun.the fireworks are superbly magnificent but the crowd was just too overwhelming.first,we had dinner at too hot cafe(pocket hole burnt man!)near the esplanade,before meeting with my sister and her friends.we got a pretty good spot.directly infront of the fireworks.

Sunday, August 19, 2007
i am going out later to catch the fireworks.i am thinking whether i will waste my time cause time is running out and i need to study!well,heck just give myself a break.
i was telling leha the things that i will do after the o levels.
1) Shopping for prom dress with the girls,including stella.(though our tastes are world's apart)
2) A girls day out,where we sit at coffee bean/starbucks(can't remember which)at boat quay.
3) A buffet lunch/high tea at this particular halal restaurant in a hotel(unless everybody are working)or at least somewhere more affordable.
4) Find a job-gosh,that phrase sounds alien to me.i never have a job before!
5) Sentosa outing with classmates or close friends.
6) A class chalet,if everyone agrees.
the plan sounds good.i am always a planner.i have so many different kinds of plans branching out of my brains but sometimes none of it are done because the plans are too ambitious.seriously.still,this will never stop me.if you ask me what to do in ten years time,i already have an answer for you.
bad news,i failed my maths horribly.god,help.still,i am determined.i bought a new maths assessment book and i am striving for C6.(told you i had a plan)
anyway,a teacher told me that he read my blog.haha,that sounds cool.i don't mind a teacher reading my blog but please ignore me when i bitch about the school.well,i don't bitch about teachers anymore cause i really appreciate my teachers.well,i must wonder who else beside him is reading my blog.
i was telling leha the things that i will do after the o levels.
1) Shopping for prom dress with the girls,including stella.(though our tastes are world's apart)
2) A girls day out,where we sit at coffee bean/starbucks(can't remember which)at boat quay.
3) A buffet lunch/high tea at this particular halal restaurant in a hotel(unless everybody are working)or at least somewhere more affordable.
4) Find a job-gosh,that phrase sounds alien to me.i never have a job before!
5) Sentosa outing with classmates or close friends.
6) A class chalet,if everyone agrees.
the plan sounds good.i am always a planner.i have so many different kinds of plans branching out of my brains but sometimes none of it are done because the plans are too ambitious.seriously.still,this will never stop me.if you ask me what to do in ten years time,i already have an answer for you.
bad news,i failed my maths horribly.god,help.still,i am determined.i bought a new maths assessment book and i am striving for C6.(told you i had a plan)
anyway,a teacher told me that he read my blog.haha,that sounds cool.i don't mind a teacher reading my blog but please ignore me when i bitch about the school.well,i don't bitch about teachers anymore cause i really appreciate my teachers.well,i must wonder who else beside him is reading my blog.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
i've made my decision.i am not taking my malay again and since my oral is merit,there is less chance of getting A1.i do not know why but my tongue is not used to speaking good malay.
anyway,i want to see the fireworks this weekend and craving for mrs fields muffin and chocolates from candy empire.i can't fanthom why but i am high on chocolates nowadays.just yesterday,during lunch,i rushed to lala's crib to eat choc cakes,ferroro cher and toblerone.
and you know chocolates doesn't got to do with growing of pimples or acnes!good news for me,really.still,pimples can cause by stress.which i am coming to my point that,i am growing more acne and zits!it is scary shit cause i never have so much acne,zits on my i am practically acne-shock.i am feeling unattractive seriously(but since when you are attractive,
mas!).however,there is no man for me to attract in school.i really hope ThePimps(what i called it)will magically disappear the day my o level ends.i don't want to be seen with acne when i step to poly/ite/jc cause you know i have other purposes there beside studying and array of man i can choose and atrract of.okay,that was not me.geee.anyway,a lot of people,came up to me and say,"stress ah?" and i am like yes but i don't mind them saying that.
and ya,my prelims results is not looking any brighter.
anyway,i want to see the fireworks this weekend and craving for mrs fields muffin and chocolates from candy empire.i can't fanthom why but i am high on chocolates nowadays.just yesterday,during lunch,i rushed to lala's crib to eat choc cakes,ferroro cher and toblerone.
and you know chocolates doesn't got to do with growing of pimples or acnes!good news for me,really.still,pimples can cause by stress.which i am coming to my point that,i am growing more acne and zits!it is scary shit cause i never have so much acne,zits on my i am practically acne-shock.i am feeling unattractive seriously(but since when you are attractive,
mas!).however,there is no man for me to attract in school.i really hope ThePimps(what i called it)will magically disappear the day my o level ends.i don't want to be seen with acne when i step to poly/ite/jc cause you know i have other purposes there beside studying and array of man i can choose and atrract of.okay,that was not me.geee.anyway,a lot of people,came up to me and say,"stress ah?" and i am like yes but i don't mind them saying that.
and ya,my prelims results is not looking any brighter.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
actually,this is my third time taking malay cause i was given the oppourtunity to take while i was in sec anyway,i have been dying to get dinstinction and i prayed really really hard to GOD.He answered my prayers and i got a freaking A2!!Syukur Alhamdullilah.When i got my results,i screamed so loudly and find someone to hug.I jumped around too.just couldn't contain my happiness.Congrats to lin and fatin!!For the rest,please do not give up cause with hardwork and endless prayers(if you are a Muslim),insyaallah you will get a me on that.
on the other hand,i received some of my prelims results!hahaha,p.biology was badly done!!!i got 5/50 for section B!!can you imagine that!mr leong was like giving me one of a kind look cause he expect me to do better and i am regretful.i mean,i passed biology before so i know i can do it again.
this is a stupid qns.should i retake my malay,you know probably i can get a1 and just try my luck again?no right?
actually,this is my third time taking malay cause i was given the oppourtunity to take while i was in sec anyway,i have been dying to get dinstinction and i prayed really really hard to GOD.He answered my prayers and i got a freaking A2!!Syukur Alhamdullilah.When i got my results,i screamed so loudly and find someone to hug.I jumped around too.just couldn't contain my happiness.Congrats to lin and fatin!!For the rest,please do not give up cause with hardwork and endless prayers(if you are a Muslim),insyaallah you will get a me on that.
on the other hand,i received some of my prelims results!hahaha,p.biology was badly done!!!i got 5/50 for section B!!can you imagine that!mr leong was like giving me one of a kind look cause he expect me to do better and i am regretful.i mean,i passed biology before so i know i can do it again.
this is a stupid qns.should i retake my malay,you know probably i can get a1 and just try my luck again?no right?
Saturday, August 11, 2007
alright.time for an update!
8 August-School's National Day Celebration
so all the 5/2 went to school,clad with our new class t-shirts.the parade was good.i miss being in the parade okay!our class was really supporting.everyone had their red ribbons,which was cool.then we had performance.kinda shitty.still,me and certain group of people were really crazy and supportive that we danced and kinda attracted a lot of attention.the best part of al,5/2 WON THE MOST SUPPORTIVE CLASS!!haha.and we got free mcd food and did the yamseng in canteen.
anyway,i promise to put the pictures,once i get it from leha.
9 August 2007-National day
i went to celebrate national day in aunt just bought her condo in johor so we relatives wanted to check it out.anyway,i had the worst jam of all.i was stuck in the car for more than 2 hours.going back was also the same thing.stuck in yet another boring long jam.

the condo has only one building,unlike spore.the wind there was awesome.i never experienced that kind of wind before in spore.and we're like only 5 storey.

the facilities.

my cousins and i movie-marathoned.we watched simpsons which was hilarious and disturbia(without any sound!so we had to read subtitles!)which was really a good thriller.i mean,what else can we do when we're in msia?watch pirated movies!

fizah and the pimple-looking girl.gosh,i don't know her.(cey,feeling feeling insecured.)

okay,that was really unsightly.we're didn't bring extra clothing so just soak our feet!
8 August-School's National Day Celebration
so all the 5/2 went to school,clad with our new class t-shirts.the parade was good.i miss being in the parade okay!our class was really supporting.everyone had their red ribbons,which was cool.then we had performance.kinda shitty.still,me and certain group of people were really crazy and supportive that we danced and kinda attracted a lot of attention.the best part of al,5/2 WON THE MOST SUPPORTIVE CLASS!!haha.and we got free mcd food and did the yamseng in canteen.
anyway,i promise to put the pictures,once i get it from leha.
9 August 2007-National day
i went to celebrate national day in aunt just bought her condo in johor so we relatives wanted to check it out.anyway,i had the worst jam of all.i was stuck in the car for more than 2 hours.going back was also the same thing.stuck in yet another boring long jam.
the condo has only one building,unlike spore.the wind there was awesome.i never experienced that kind of wind before in spore.and we're like only 5 storey.
the facilities.
my cousins and i movie-marathoned.we watched simpsons which was hilarious and disturbia(without any sound!so we had to read subtitles!)which was really a good thriller.i mean,what else can we do when we're in msia?watch pirated movies!
fizah and the pimple-looking girl.gosh,i don't know her.(cey,feeling feeling insecured.)
okay,that was really unsightly.we're didn't bring extra clothing so just soak our feet!
11 August 07-Sheila's engagement.
first of all,would like to wish lala's sister,sheila happy engagement!so some of the girls were invited.initially,we're pretty paisey but heck.and ya, Sop Ayam was there!hahah,i thought it would be awkward to see him but we said hi!remember the funny times when i was in sec 1.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
alright,5/2 gotten their class t-shirts!wee hoo!the shirt is simple yet outstanding.better check us out people on tomorrow!thanks to the guys for doing this.i know you we girls did a lousy job in handling this shirts thingy.
anyway,something happened to me and stel.we were suspected of cheating maths prelim paper!haha!i know,it sounds half-amusing and half-serious!it happened when mr kumar called us to see the VP and we're like okay.after that we found out that oh,we cheated.WHAT?in stel's script there was this paper that didn't look like her handwriting at all and that she was scribling the answer.then,that handwriting really look like mine.i really thought that it was mine,initially.after scrutinising the handwriting,i admitted it wasn't mine at all.maybe they thought i gave her the answers.we wrote statement and i do not know what is going to happen next.say,if we get a 0,well i am not going to let it happen cause i swear that i did not cheat.look at me!i am so innocent and naive.please don't ruin my reputation among teachers!hah!
okay national day celebration tomorrow and i am so ready to sing the national day songs!i love all the songs,except this year.
alright,5/2 gotten their class t-shirts!wee hoo!the shirt is simple yet outstanding.better check us out people on tomorrow!thanks to the guys for doing this.i know you we girls did a lousy job in handling this shirts thingy.
anyway,something happened to me and stel.we were suspected of cheating maths prelim paper!haha!i know,it sounds half-amusing and half-serious!it happened when mr kumar called us to see the VP and we're like okay.after that we found out that oh,we cheated.WHAT?in stel's script there was this paper that didn't look like her handwriting at all and that she was scribling the answer.then,that handwriting really look like mine.i really thought that it was mine,initially.after scrutinising the handwriting,i admitted it wasn't mine at all.maybe they thought i gave her the answers.we wrote statement and i do not know what is going to happen next.say,if we get a 0,well i am not going to let it happen cause i swear that i did not cheat.look at me!i am so innocent and naive.please don't ruin my reputation among teachers!hah!
okay national day celebration tomorrow and i am so ready to sing the national day songs!i love all the songs,except this year.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
i know i had been away for few days.i wasn't busy or anything.nothing spurred me to blog,actually.
this week has been okay.smooth sailing.obviously no one was in mood to study cause prelims merely over.but next week,have to chop chop and start back on track.i have to start my revision is pretty pathetic but i have and must do it.i can't afford to disappoint myself.
not doing well in o level will practically flipped my life around and i will never forgive myself for that.the only problem that i have is my lack of motivation and determination to study.i really pray to GOD that He will help me is malay results are out next tuesday(i guess)and i am totally not ready to face another b3.i might just collapsed you know.3 times in a row is totally insane.everything now is up to GOD and i am trusting that whatever happens,there is always a reason for it.
anyway,friday is like a spiritual cleansing.really.halaqah(religious)lessons helped and grabbed me back to the real reality of what my purposes to be in this world.i love to stare at Sis Mona cause she is so beautiful and her face is so calm that it actually calmed me.i know my religon has so many rules.can't do this and that but after realising what each rule is for,it brings a logical answer to why we can't do this and in the world is difficult especially at my age where i merely want to have fun but i know there is restriction.fighting off the temptation requires a lot of iman which i lack of till i commit,i am totally stuck in between.i have fun but at the same time,i try avoid sins.i think i can resolved to that and i happy with my decision.
this week has been okay.smooth sailing.obviously no one was in mood to study cause prelims merely over.but next week,have to chop chop and start back on track.i have to start my revision is pretty pathetic but i have and must do it.i can't afford to disappoint myself.
not doing well in o level will practically flipped my life around and i will never forgive myself for that.the only problem that i have is my lack of motivation and determination to study.i really pray to GOD that He will help me is malay results are out next tuesday(i guess)and i am totally not ready to face another b3.i might just collapsed you know.3 times in a row is totally insane.everything now is up to GOD and i am trusting that whatever happens,there is always a reason for it.
anyway,friday is like a spiritual cleansing.really.halaqah(religious)lessons helped and grabbed me back to the real reality of what my purposes to be in this world.i love to stare at Sis Mona cause she is so beautiful and her face is so calm that it actually calmed me.i know my religon has so many rules.can't do this and that but after realising what each rule is for,it brings a logical answer to why we can't do this and in the world is difficult especially at my age where i merely want to have fun but i know there is restriction.fighting off the temptation requires a lot of iman which i lack of till i commit,i am totally stuck in between.i have fun but at the same time,i try avoid sins.i think i can resolved to that and i happy with my decision.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
that was the end.
i finish reading harry potter!it was bloody truely damn wicked awesoommee!!!i love the ending(i do not know why some hate it)and every single of it!anyway,after the last three words from the book,this sudden realisation swept me.that's it.the end of harry potter.i was upset at the thought.i hope harry potter could continue and i would still be reading it to my children for bedtime stories but heck,jk.rowling skipped all the way till harry got,i dismissed my silly thought.i mean,good things always find its way to end so i got to accept it.sad sad sad.i love harry potter!only HP fans would understand how the last book mean to us.
enuff said.i had practical and it gone wrong.physics was a sucker for me and i am going to face disappointment from mr tan(which i totally hate it.he expect his class to do very very well).well,i kinda panicked.i did not know why but i was blank for the moment.besides that,i was also pretty infuriated with scumbag/s in my class but i was being patient which i found it odd.maybe because i am fasting( 2 more hours to go).
i finish reading harry potter!it was bloody truely damn wicked awesoommee!!!i love the ending(i do not know why some hate it)and every single of it!anyway,after the last three words from the book,this sudden realisation swept me.that's it.the end of harry potter.i was upset at the thought.i hope harry potter could continue and i would still be reading it to my children for bedtime stories but heck,jk.rowling skipped all the way till harry got,i dismissed my silly thought.i mean,good things always find its way to end so i got to accept it.sad sad sad.i love harry potter!only HP fans would understand how the last book mean to us.
enuff said.i had practical and it gone wrong.physics was a sucker for me and i am going to face disappointment from mr tan(which i totally hate it.he expect his class to do very very well).well,i kinda panicked.i did not know why but i was blank for the moment.besides that,i was also pretty infuriated with scumbag/s in my class but i was being patient which i found it odd.maybe because i am fasting( 2 more hours to go).
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