Tuesday, August 14, 2007


actually,this is my third time taking malay cause i was given the oppourtunity to take while i was in sec 4.so anyway,i have been dying to get dinstinction and i prayed really really hard to GOD.He answered my prayers and i got a freaking A2!!Syukur Alhamdullilah.When i got my results,i screamed so loudly and find someone to hug.I jumped around too.just couldn't contain my happiness.Congrats to lin and fatin!!For the rest,please do not give up cause with hardwork and endless prayers(if you are a Muslim),insyaallah you will get a dinstinction.trust me on that.

on the other hand,i received some of my prelims results!hahaha,p.biology was badly done!!!i got 5/50 for section B!!can you imagine that!mr leong was like giving me one of a kind look cause he expect me to do better and i am regretful.i mean,i passed biology before so i know i can do it again.

this is a stupid qns.should i retake my malay,you know probably i can get a1 and just try my luck again?no right?

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