first of all,congratulations to abg haidar!the first male cousin to get married and for making an opening for the other three(maybe four?)male cousins getting hitch this year!(i bloody can't wait!i love wedding!)
anyway,my family and cik usop's family went to melaka together to witness the solemnisation.aww,i wished my whole lot cousins were there too.the solemnisation was taken place at a very huge beautiful mosque.don't you think getting hitch at a mosque is the most romantic thing?( mine's going to be at masjid sultan!HAHA.perasan,boyfriend pon tak pernah ada!proven:girls like to dream a lot.) well,the ceremony was right after zuhur and imagine what time i woke.5am in the morning!

so,my uncle made an opening speech.

some of the mak ciks and cousins who came.

the girl's side.hmm,notice someone familiar?

haha!i like this picture best. behind that smile lies a man whose heart is thumping with a speed of 200km/h. i keep thinking what was abg thinking of.i am a married man soon.responsibility,responsibility,responsibility.

and before the tok kadi proceed,he asked abg to recite al fatihah,mengucap dua kalimah shahadat,selawat nabi and some important,kalau org singapore kene buat mcm gini,tak dapat ah.lelaki ingat nak khawin jer!yg lain not important.(why suddenly,i am typing in malay?)

before,i go off,i have to say few things.
first: o level result this friday? wow,i can't wait to see my friends and be back in unform!( behind this enthusiasm lies a terrified looking girl)
second: i am riiicccchhhhhh!haha,just feel like saying that!not to show off but after a hardwork,loneliness,starved,brain freeze and morning frenzy situations, the money is worth it. it is a big deal,my first ever salary!my mam is more excited than isn't everything mam.(okay,i makes up 50% of happiness,especially of you live in singapore)
enough of my stories.i need to get ready for tomorrow and watch heroes and B&S.
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