Since tomorrow is labour day( yeah baby), i am pretty free to blog this abandon blog of mine( maybe not so cause i blogged yesterday). Anyway,tonight i feel pretty good. No more of rushing back home to finish up drawing/model making. As for tonight only.Hoho.
Saturday- Fig and Olive @ Vivo

gambar baik punyer. he didn't want to take any picture.especially if taken by sarah cause he and sara got issues.haha.

but if the camera is in my hands, yasin will definitely smile for it.haha,they love me.can't help it,i'm such a goooodd sister.

fig and olive is gooodd!

would love to go there again.

Sunday- Halaqah ended its First Season @ Darul Furqan
This is the saddest day of the month i'm telling you. Didn't expect halaqah to end so fast. i understand sis muna reason and i really hoped and prayed the second season will be as soon as possible because friday has been a day that i looked forward every week.Friday is like a spiritual purification,emotional vitamin,spa retreat, and most importantly,grab me back from what my real purposes are.i will miss the sisters know people always say how muslims are brothers and sisters but actually you don't feel like as if you are brothers and sisters.but for once,i feel that.genuinely,i feel that we are sisters.i love you sisters and thank you for the much needed hugs and kisses that i'll get every friday night.

the daras except makcik kat sebelah.hah.

the hip and happening sisters.

the class started and i hated(i mean not the kinda hate)when cik lina talked about the heart cause it made me cry and cry and cry.her voice was so haunting and it really penetrated through the very corner of my heart.but actually,i didn't listened that much cause i was busy wiping tears but the way she speaks,got me so convinced of something i shan't say.

semua happy dapat siwak! siwak is used by our prophet.sort of toothbrush.but better than toothbrush.

baby ahmad,you are so lucky to have sis muna as your aunt.

the ending.

the sisters,jazakallah khairan.i love you each one of you.

lastly,thank you Sis've been such an inspiration.i think you're the second person,i am inspired by.Jzakallah khairan.I love you.( and this picture,just excuse my swollen eyes.i cried a lot that day.not gonna cry anymore, maybe in a month later)
so now the question,who is gonna hug and kiss me on friday night?
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