DID students had some fresh air outside.instead of the studio,we went to a trip to toy museum!
honestly,i didn't really enjoy looking at all the toys cause i'm not crazy over them but what i did enjoyed was taking pictures of them and of course taking picture of me and my friends.
let's take a look at some of the toy pictures first.not gonna take up a lot of time.
you know when the curator was explaining about batman and robin,i went right up to him so i could hear him,stopped,looked at robin and laughed.he was taken aback .initially i don't know why i laughed.i just find that the toy is funny due to a reason until kat pointed out the thighs.yes,the thighs are too big,is funny.and does robin wear undies?
batman and robin charm bracelet!so freaking nice and vintage.i would wear it.
somone loved star wars so i took a picture of it.
this is cool,a black doll.
the minah side of betty boop!so fugly right!why does betty boop shaved her i know who inspired the minah's eyebrow.
every girl's fav.
nice toy cars.
beatles.did you know that this picture plus a signature can cost you a BMW.yeah,i'm gonna steal it.haha.
alright,after the visit,kat ruifen and I wanted to watch made in was raining heavily at that moment so we walked all the way to cathay,drenched,wet and cold cause we wouldnt want to miss the show.another chick flick,love it.made me so lovey dovey that i couldn't resist to send that text message.gosh!
now,the beautiful pictures!
kat wrote this on a the guest book and i told kat what to write.haha.
and we realised that the guestbook was for foreigners after we wrote our we decided to create our own citizenship.mas from turkey huh.
the ultimate bimbo and me.
the couch that we're sitting on cost $29 was really see that man wearing tie?he was explaining about the toy and we didn't give a damn.haha,poor guy.

damn,i want this couch at home.
damn,i want this couch at home.
yun zhen,quennie,kat,ruifen and me of course.
haha,cool lighting.
the three of us.
there's more pictures and is with kat.anyway,tomorrow,is DID Festival and i had to put up my pretty embarassing and i'm glad i'll not be at the my table if not i have to drown myself in my term will be different!
friday going to museum again,to draw!interesting huh.update again.
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