First up,met up with the fairies to celebrate jana's belated birthday.though that day wasn't an ideal day for us to spend the whole day together,i still enjoyed the company.every minute counts now that we're on our separate celebrated her birthday at mcafe,shawhouse.right fizza,mine gonna be luar chalet.haha,gosh,i can't wait for my 18th may be the first bday, me not being a single.jeng jeng jeng!haha,who knows.okay,actually no biggie.aper jer mas.sidetrack.
haha.anyone wants to give the girl some smack on the face? as quoted from people,"muke stop it sey".
waiting for the arrival of guest of honour.
fabulous time.xoxo.

right after that,met him.we ate at riverside restaurant,some indon restaurant at clarke quay.gosh,we couldn't finish the food cause the serving was not for two,is like for four people! so we kinda forced ourselves(no,more like he forcing me cause dinner was on him,whatever lah.haha)to finish up the food but no,too freaking full.totally reccommended.

right after that,met him.we ate at riverside restaurant,some indon restaurant at clarke quay.gosh,we couldn't finish the food cause the serving was not for two,is like for four people! so we kinda forced ourselves(no,more like he forcing me cause dinner was on him,whatever lah.haha)to finish up the food but no,too freaking full.totally reccommended.
so with our full stomachs,he wanted to take me to gmax bungy thingy.of course i said no!crazy.i'll be vomiting all we sat directly infront of the gmax bungy thingy and enjoyed the night was so good,talking to him and enjoying the scenery.there's fireworks too,so how romantic can it be.haha,i'm a sucker for that.
next saturday will be our last(not really)before he goes to NS.alamak,spoiler sey ni NS.
alright,school's tomorrow.i had enough of ontography!