Tuesday, June 24, 2008

SSP 60 GEREK Camp 17-19 June-

the camp was awesome!i mean, i never been to a camp that has a theme and that has a mini gig.the committee did a great job.the games,the night walk,the drama workshops,the masquerade night,the moshing,the twists,the oldies song and the skit were so enjoyable.i had fun and the seniors were so funny.ada ada jer tau nak ketawa.i've made so many friends.definitely coming back to ssp and insyaAllah, this might be something i may happen to like.

some pictures that i stole.sorry guys( syafiqah and wano)for stealing without permission but the pictures are all so nice,i can't resist!

my group se-bloody merah!yeah,saiful was cross dressing.

you guys are awesome.

the hot girls and i looked tired.my eyes,gosh!

the hot guys.yg tengah tu samseng kampung.
masquerade night.the room was awesome-ly decorated.

60s band.

twist and shout.


KOONING!hahah,nizal was hilarious.

swinging sixties.

chickies hippies.

the winning group,SE-BLOODY MERAH.
last day,all shagged.
next update:
night cycling!
first day of school and already there is drawings to do!ah huh,ain't complaining.is so good to be back in school but there's a tad problem.no more abundance time to spend with him.

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