Last Saturday
my family had tahlil plus katam Quran over at my house.It was JAM relatives on my dad's side,some relatives on my mam's side,my neighbours,him and his friends were there. only at night,more people started to stream in and me,i have to work around.even though i was tired i love people coming to my house.i love the idea of gathering people.
anyway,my uncle is so funny.he was interrogating me about him.even my dad didn't ask a lot of questions!and and,my two dearest cousins kinah and fiza slept over my house!!it has been too long since we have done that.
my brother reading the Holy Quran.if someone finishes reading the Quran we can choose to have a sort of ceremony(i dont know if it's a correct term) and he have to read a few excerpts from the Quran in front of everybody.i was quite nervous for him.and and i didn't have my own ceremony but my father has something bigger planned for me.whatever dad.
Last Friday-
it was elaine's wedding, my DID was my very first time witnessing a vowing ceremony in a church.and i was pretty scared to step into the church.istigfar banyak banyak sey.
a very simple fuss.i wish malay weddings are of no fuss.but of course,it would be different and unculturally felt but who cares about culture.culture doesnt influence religion.
the bride with the father.
vows!i always watched this on tv but is the first time i hear and see it.
two word.loves it.

m,k and h.rf and another m had a thing with cameras that day!

after the wedding and everything,we girls went to shopping!!hahaha,i bought a dress again though after trying at home,i looked like some pregnant girl.who cares.anyway,i had fun girls.thanks for the time.
Last Tuesday- was okay i guess.the group critique quite felt like boys vs girls thing.lecturers(6 men)vs 4(timid girls).we couldn't say anything.we didnt defend our own ideas and we allowed that men to laugh at our product!how could i allow that to happen!i was afraid that i might say the wrong things and ruined everything so that was least we had the idea.we had the concept and that's crucial.
Comes individual,it was okay i guess.made one or two jokes(that worked and made the lecturers smile or gave a laugh or two).and made a sarcastic remark to this guy cause arrgh,i couldn't stand him.i am starting to have a thing with men who wants to show off how much knowledge or information they have and they start to blabber about it,not in a humble,parting knowledge way.
alright i am done.this is quite a long post.
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