Sunday, February 08, 2009

my submission is almost over.the major ones,i am done with it.pheww.thank Allah.seriously,i wouldnt be able to go through this without His needed strength and patience.everyday i pray i will get through this and remind myself that God will not put me through things that i can't go through.i have never been stress in my life before and this is by far the most stressful time i had in surpassed o levels cause i dont feel like this during Os.

for those you really want to know what i have been doing is this:
- design a shophouse for a client.(and please,is not about dividing rooms and thinking where i should place the toilet)desiging means we need an apt concept for our client.
-after we finalised with our design we need to draw it on autocad.literally draw it out on computer
- use a 3d programme and do a 3d shophouse.-this is definitely a killer but if you're good at it, people will pay you a lot to do this is only the positive side i can come up with while doing the 3d so it gives me motivation.
-process journal.get it printed
-presentation boards on photoshop.get it printed.
-a particular detail we need to do for a particular wall.

so yeah that is basically it.i rushed all of this into 4 days so yeah.i went bonkers but i am so so glad is over.

thank you K for calling me every single 4 days(and you never have done that before).the conversations we had made me forgot about school and you made my day.

and now!waiting for the meantime,i am thinking of looking for a JOB.anyone?

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