Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Love You Anway- Mocca

mocca is performing this sunday night and it is free!!!i have the huge urge to ditch halaqah and see them perform but in my heart,i am weighing the importance of the's hard but i think i am ditching mocca instead.i am sad but it's okay,it's okay,it's okay.there might be hikmah.

anyway,i think i am just gonna redha at the fact that i am not going to get any jobs and will be spending my holiday at home.i am going to make use of my holiday especially when april comes( you''ll know why).one of the thing that i will loved to do is to sign up for dress making class but oh well,i think that's not gonna happen.i am going to bake if ever i am inspired to or not.i am going to draw.hahah,i can't confirm on that but hopefully i will.i also would like to shop a bit.i would want to make dates with all my girlfriends and cousins too but only at the end of the march.okay,i think that's all i want to do.of course,never forget to read more,not novels or thrillers but others like architecture?haha the word itself already bore me.

put all that aside,i had a good talk with K last that resolved to a decision.we had come this far.people might think,gosh you guys known each other for a short period of time(if 1 year and 3 months is short to them)but you guys had no idea.i seldom talk about my relationship,is of no concern to anyone,except friends and family members.well all i have to say is that relationship is not is love someone is easy but to be with someone?it's hard but it's easy at the same time.go figure.

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