so here's an update.
school- i am done with school!term 1 has ended.i had my critique on was okay,the lecturers,total 8 of them were being hamidah too,i feel the greatest urge to do my best next term and i cant wait to start on my new project.i was quite inspired by ama's model.(ama if you ever read this,i am impressed by you)however, before i move on to other stuff,i need to find inspirations and this is done by only reading and looking at other's architecture's during this holiday,i shall do that.
anyway about my personal-self(to those interested),i am doing great.i am content but i think something's missing and i know what it faith.i miss my spiritual friday and sunday nights :(
and i am meeting some of my cousins soon for my cousin's wedding.i miss my cousins so so much.i feel so belong when i am with you girls.muacks.
and and, me and K we're doing great.falling in love with you,every minute.
LASTLY,great news,my friend Dinah got engaged!AMIN.knowing the guy for so long,i think is time for them you think?attended her ceremony last sunday.when i looked at her,i cant believe that one of my friends might be settling down soon and time comes,it might be lala fatin or leha's turn or maybe is great and i am so happy for her.
nervous.haha,dinah is so funny,she cant keep herself quiet.

alright that's all for now.i will be back soon,now that i have the time.
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