it's been quite sometime since i blog.i'm out of topic i guess.
instead of doing my journal i am listing the things i need in coming time.Since i have not been making lists lets make one right now.i used to do it but i stopped making lists of things i needed/wanted because i end up not buying most of the things on the list.but i'm bored you see,so here it goes:
1. A long dress.i cannot stop buying long's very comfortable and airy.heheh.
2. A short dress or a top.i know,it's lame but my priority will always be on clothes.
3. A new wallet.i can't be using that same old LV(fake somemore).it has been years already i guess.
4.Pump shoes.This is because my 10 bucks shoes is torn and i need a good shoe for my coming trip.
5.A cheap but really good boots,for my upcoming trip as well.
6.Cheap shawl(s) for upcoming trip.
okay i think that's it for now.You know,i realized that i am very good with my wants and needs.i know how to prioritize and i have been spending wisely,as i would like to temptations are being curbed very well.hahah okay it's because i do not work and i don't get a lot from my parents.hopefully in the years to come,i'm not one of those stuck-up women who only wear and buy branded goods but behind those facade,impending debts from credit card usage.
okay,update soon.
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