the other i was talking to K.we saw a cat wallked passed us.the major difference between us is that, he really really loves cats and i'm really really terrified of the conversation went something like this.
Me: "So if you have a cat, what would you name it?"
K: "Zero and Scrabs".
Me: "I asked for one, you gave me two.does that means that you want two cats?"
K: "Yes".
i can't remember what i said, but i bet it was 'noooooo'and 'OMG'.shakes head in complete disbelieved.
if we were ever to get married, he wants to have cats at home. i tried to make him promise me to not have cats but till now he hasn't promise me yet.K if you reading this,please please please, if you really love me,you have to choose.Me or cats?
hehehhe omg masss this is so hilarious, cats are soo cute what. i wish to have one sey!
hahah noooo!!!i'm scaredy cat!
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