my maternal family organised a chalet and oh boy,i had fun time catching with the girls,talking,laughing and teasing here and there.the most fun-nest part was pissing off the life guard!haha,i was lauging my socks off!
the bad news was,my digi cam officially died on me!!!!!bloody mama crap.nevermind,i never like that digicam and is time to purchase a new one so no pics taken alright.bbq was also fine but i never really like bbq food.can't fanthom why.
went to the zoo with my family!it was hellaa greatness!it had been eons since i've been there and alas,my wish came true.but it was very(x5) exhausting!!because we're walking there since 9am till 2pm.i also got to meet my friends and my mam and dad was being weird,talking to the animals.anyway,it was in conjunction of family day and we got free tram rides,played some games and 60 bucks to spend on food.hehe,Bj ice cream was nice!
the bad news was,we do not have digicam so we used hp camera.that explains the lack of quality pictures.

tram rides!


what sey my mom dunno how to take pics.

play pool was relaxing and cooling,after the long walk.

this zebra is so mam and dad was talking to him and he was like staring at us.

and of course,the polar bear but i pity him cause he got no friends there and i don't know how he could adapt to this place.
the white tiger,definitely.
the bestest part was the fragile forest where the animals were so close to us and this racoon was running around and i was like clutching to sarah!coward!
and oh man!tmr is school already!!please,i pray there's no ss test tmr cause i have not memerise those BS.
ps:i might update less this time cause i made a promise to study starting from miss me,no?
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