so,went there by monorail and everybody seemed excited.reached pahlawan,we placed our mat under the coconut tree and went to swim,except me.i was having a relaxing time under the sun when this crazy puppy came and started running around to strangers and couldn't sit still at all.what the hell,i was scared since i was alone and they were having splasing time in the,after much reluctance,i went down to sea.dang!i had no extra undergarments so don't ask me how i got home.
fun part was we're having a ball of time playing catching in the sea,wrestling(not me cause i can't reached to where they were legs are short okay),frisbee,soccer,rumah dayak,pepsi cola and talking bout having kids.haha,we're so damn tired by then!bathing with the girls was so much fun cause i see yours,you see mine.hah!blah,blah reached home exactly 10.30pm.
stel,zul and hafiz.
leha and kerene.
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