Tuesday, August 30, 2005

sunday i visited my ayah.i have to drag my two bros along and lucky me they behaved in the mrt.if not i'll rot with shame.the sight of him looking so weak touched my soul and brought me to tears.i never see him tat weak coz he's always been such a strong dad.he survived in the operation.thank god.syukur.and now,i think he's okie.i haven't see him yet.maybe tmr.

i'v been busy studying,watching tv and looking after my bro.i've become motherly since my mom spent more time at hospital and i have to fetch my bro,feed them,make them do their prayers and forced them to study.it was so difficult to handle two stubborn brothers.

today was bio and ss.ss was quite tough.i was wondering why ppl took a long time to finish the paper whereas i was falling to sleep.i reckoned that i missed a lot of points that i might forgot.i didn't get to sleep though coz mr johan will minus 5 marks for sleeping.so unreasonable without a doubt.bio was killing me.i've studied so hard and forced myself to concentrate.mr leong told us wat to study but none of it came out expect for the adaptation for leaf.i was so frustrated coz i dun even noe how to do a single qns and eventually i stared at it and cried.i study like and hell and wat do i get?bullshit.

after the test,i cried again.i can't help it.i really hate when i put so much effort into something and all i get is pure bullshit.so mad.so fed up.i released my stress by buying one huge chocolate.i always do that and i won't even give a damn whether i get fat.

i'm so fed up today.with you with pure bio with everything else.go fuck and die.

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