Tuesday, August 31, 2010

it's been quite sometime since i blog.i'm out of topic i guess.
instead of doing my journal i am listing the things i need in coming time.Since i have not been making lists lets make one right now.i used to do it but i stopped making lists of things i needed/wanted because i end up not buying most of the things on the list.but i'm bored you see,so here it goes:

1. A long dress.i cannot stop buying long dresses.it's very comfortable and airy.heheh.
2. A short dress or a top.i know,it's lame but my priority will always be on clothes.
3. A new wallet.i can't be using that same old LV(fake somemore).it has been years already i guess.
4.Pump shoes.This is because my 10 bucks shoes is torn and i need a good shoe for my coming trip.
5.A cheap but really good boots,for my upcoming trip as well.
6.Cheap shawl(s) for upcoming trip.

okay i think that's it for now.You know,i realized that i am very good with my wants and needs.i know how to prioritize and i have been spending wisely,as i would like to think.my temptations are being curbed very well.hahah okay it's because i do not work and i don't get a lot from my parents.hopefully in the years to come,i'm not one of those stuck-up women who only wear and buy branded goods but behind those facade,impending debts from credit card usage.

okay,update soon.

Friday, August 27, 2010

i'm not making full use of my holiday..critique on monday, who the hell cares?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

the other day, i was on my way home, back from school.it was such a hot and tiring day in school, cause we had to clean the studio and i had to go to and fro, to the workshop and dungeon.i felt so thirsty and my mouth is dry. i had a bottle of coke with me for my brother and it looked tempting enough.it made me realised how blessed i am that i get to at least drink clean water everyday.i realised that i have been complaining too much on food."this food is not nice","this food is tasteless", "oh i don't eat that".at least i had food.i think after this,i try not to complain about how bad the food is at foodcourt 1 or anywhere else.

Monday, August 23, 2010

from lightofguidance.tumblr.com

Why Should the Muslim Women Wear Hijab

1.You please Allah. You are obeying the commands of your Lord when you wear the hijaab and you can expect great rewards in return.

2.It is Allah’s protection of your natural beauty. You are too precious to be ‘on display’ for each man to see.

3.It is Allah’s preservation of your chastity.

4.Allah purifies your heart and mind through the hijaab.

5.Allah beautifies your inner and outer countenance with hijaab. Outwardly your hijaab reflects innocence, purity, modesty, shyness, serenity, contentment and obedience to your Lord. Inwardly you cultivate the same.

6.Allah defines your femininity through the hijaab. You are a woman who respects her womanhood. Allah wants you to be respected by others, and for you to respect yourself.

7.Allah raises your dignity through the hijaab. When a strange man looks at you, he respects you because he sees that you respect yourself.

8.Allah protects your honour 100% through your hijaab. Men do not gaze at you in a sensual way, they do not approach you in a sensual way, and neither do they speak to you in a sensual way. Rather, a man holds you in high esteem and that is just by one glance at you!

9.Allah gives you nobility through the hijaab. You are noble not degraded because you covered not naked.

10.Allah demonstrates your equality as a Muslim woman through the hijaab. Your Lord bestows upon you equal worth as your male counterpart, and gives you a host of beautiful rights and liberties. You express your acceptance of these unique rights by putting on the hijaab.

11.Allah defines your role as a Muslim woman through the hijaab. You are a someone with important duties. You are a reflection of a woman of action not idle pursuits. You display your sense of direction and purpose through your hijaab. You are someone that people take seriously.

12.Allah expresses your independence through the hijaab. You are stating clearly that you are an obedient servant of the Greatest Master. You will obey no one else and follow no other way. You are not a slave to any man, nor a slave to any nation. You are free and independent from all man-made systems.

13.Allah gives you the freedom of movement and expression through the hijaab. You are able to move about and communicate without fear of harassment. Your hijaab gives you a unique confidence.

14.Allah wants others to treat you – a Muslim woman - with kindness. And the hijaab brings about the best treatment of men towards you.

15.Allah wants your beauty to be preserved and saved for just one man to enjoy – your husband.

16.Allah helps you to enjoy a successful marriage through wearing hijaab. Because you reserve your beauty for one man alone, your husband’s love for you increases, he cherishes you more, he respects you more and he honours you more. So your hijaab contributes to a successful and lasting marriage relationship.

17.Allah brings about peace and stability in the society through the hijaab! Yes this is true! Men do not cause corruption by forming illegal relationships because you - the Muslim woman - calm their passions. When a man looks at you, he feels at ease, not tempted to fornicate.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

i've been trying to write something here,about my life, about what happened the last few weeks,or what movies i watched or where did i go but i never got around posting it.i didn't know why but i don't feel like saying anything.

maybe life has been a tad uninspiring.i feel a bit tired of school but i do not want my to graduate.contradicting?yes.i'm afraid i end up doing things because there is nothing else for me to do.i want to do something to my life that makes me proud of myself, of what i will achieve.but i will leave that in the hands of Allah and i am just here to pray and pray and keep praying.my point of telling you this is that i am happy for how things are working out for K.i wish things will work out for me,that things will come to me instead of me hoping for them to come.

as for now,let's just pray that Allah will answer my prayers and He knows what's best for me.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Objectives of Ramadan Fasting:

a) To get rid of bad habits:
Ramadan Fasting demands the strict and solid resolution to submit oneself to a special diet which, often corrects habits, harmful to the health, that we may get into, during the running year, thus to comply with a severely regulated diet and some bad habits, as a self-willed sacrifice. This is why we notice that the Holy Quran mentions patience, tolerance, will, and perseverance as being synonyms of fasting.

b) To suffer hunger thus feel the difficult life of the poor:
This endurance provokes in ourselves the feeling of association with their sorrows and deprivations. This feeling, so humane and compassionate, is much more expressive than a whole series of well-prepared speeches or well-organized public demonstrations. The rich people who never experience deprivation, discover, through fasting, the hardship imposed on needy people. Then, their hearts become more tractable, and their hands, will exercise generosity and charity towards the needy.

c) To Appreciate God's beyond measure donations:
The daylight is never enough estimated unless we endure the night darkness. Also we cannot know the real value of happiness until we lose it. So when we fast, we suffer hunger, thirst and deprivation of so many other leisure's we used to enjoy before fasting. Then, we effectively evaluate the life comforts Mighty God has gifted us with.

d) To discover the sanitary advantages:
Dr. Alexis Karlil, in his book... says: The exaggerated variety of our meals, their excessive quantities and assortments, make the alimentary regulating in the human life become ineffective. With the legislation of Fasting by all religions the humanity has known to attract notice to thousands, even millions of human beings who never know satiety. Moreover, fasting activates the blood circulation and purifies heart and soul. Besides, the modern medicine has proved that fasting is a remedy for diseases that affect the man of this century because of overeating and the variety of canned food. In this case, fasting is as being a treatment, and even a preventive at the same time.

e) Recalling of evident return to God:
In fact, Ramadan fasting is a stage where the human being is the closest to God. The fasting period, Ramadan is a time when one submits to spiritual and social changes.

f) One acquires loyalty, honesty and sincerity to God, by fasting:
Ramadan fasting is a confidential act which occurs between the human being and his Creator. This act must be impregnated with full sincerity and the deepest loyalty. Now in case fasting loses its honesty, it becomes a hypocrisy.

g) Regulating habit:
By Ramadan fasting, we acquire the habit of punctuality. We breakfast at fixed time, and we abstain from eating and drinking at a strict and special time. Moreover, becoming accustomed to regulations leads to the respect of time, of word and promise, and so one becomes trustworthy, well estimated, able to carry out one's responsibilities, and to fulfill one's social duties.

h) Spreading assistance and mutual help in the society:
Ramadan fasting inspires love and tightens links among the family members who live the whole fasting period in the same routine which approaches them to God. Habits change automatically during the period, and the family members meet in the evenings to say prayers appropriated to this holy occasion. The morals and fruitful consequences of fasting extend to the vast society, where collaboration between its members, and decent behavior are demonstrated. Charity and mutual help occupy a remarkable place, and brotherhood and equality triumph, which that is, the most human acts and the holiest purpose of the fasting.

Saturday, August 07, 2010

this week has been a long and tiring week,filled with many adventures and challenges. i'm glad it has ended but i have one more week of school and it will be more challenging as the fasting month approaches.this weekend will be well spent.i've miss K and i'm happy to see him.

May Allah ease the burden of school.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Last Sunday with Cousins-

Today marked my Blog's 5th anniversary.Hahaha,it's pretty lame but i have been typing on this space for 5 years.i did not bother to change my blog or stop blogging because this is too precious.it contained more memories than my brain could take..i was such a kid back then(i was 14 when i started with this blog).with this blog,i saw my changes through the 5 years.this blog reminded me of good times i had in my secondary school when i bothered to type down everything that happened.it reminded of who i used to be or still am and will be in the future.