Saturday, January 03, 2009

i remember,last year,it was hard for me to leave 2008 because it means that i will literally leave my good old secondary school friends.oh,how much i miss those sec 5 days.and we( me lala leha fatin dina dan man zul hafiz hizam yan)were pretty tight.we're gonna see each other soon,insyaAllah.

and now the current school,so many things to last i am done with one project.tomorrow gonna finish another one.submission monday!well,this term is short.we're got like 5 weeks left and is holiday!seriously,i want to work after that.i really really hope to get a don't miss your zuhur mas cause missing zuhur means the blessing of your income is taken away. now don't you guys wonder why your money runs out so quickly? of course,the ultimate intention is to worship Allah and by that Allah will gives you reward.InsyaAllah.

i'm not here to preach.just sharing.i'm not a perfect muslim and sometimes,i hate when people think that the ones wearing headscarf are the most exemplary example.of course,we should be but please if we make a mistake don't see it as a huge mistake.

okay i'm done with this.

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